Chapter 17:

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A few minutes later.

Delilah finally fell asleep. I put her down in her crib and went downstairs with everyone. As soon as I got down, Franny gives me a drink.

Franny: your drink
Y/N: thank you
Daniel: and your shot
Y/N: I'll pass
Corbyn: none of us are gonna take one until you take one
Y/N: fine I'll do it if all of you take one with me
Jc: consider it done
*they all get a shot*
Oscar: to Y/N
Everyone: TO Y/N
*you all took your shot*
Corbyn: let's start the party!
*the music starts playing again & everyone starts dancing*
Y/N: where's Zach?
Jack: he went outside
Y/N: imma go see him
Jack: good luck

I went outside and saw him with Jonah. I got closer to them and saw that they were both crying.

Zach's POV:
Right when those words came out I regret it. I said I was fine with them being together but she's my sister and he's like a brother to me. I don't want none of them to get hurt. When they walked upstairs, I went outside and in seconds my mom came out.

Myta: what was that?
Zach: I didn't mean to
Myta: you know you hurt your sister and Jonah
Zach: I know but not the way that they hurt me
Myta: baby I didn't raise you to be like this your sister wants you to be supportive with her choices she doesn't want to argue with you
*he starts to tear up*
Myta: have you ever thought about asking her why she hide it from you or why she didn't want to tell you?
Zach: she probably told me but I wasn't listening
Myta: why don't you ask her?
Zach: I just don't want to lose any of them
Myta: you're not gonna lose them no matter what you'll always have your sister
Zach: and what about Jonah? If it comes down to me picking which side to be in I don't want to pick they're both family
*he starts to cry & Myta side hugs him*
Myta: aww honey you don't have to pick a side they'll both understand I know you don't like the idea of them being together but you've seen Y/N she's way more happier with Jonah than she was with anyone else
*Jonah comes out*
Jonah: hey can we talk?
Myta: I'll leave you guys to it
*she leaves them alone*
Zach: I'm sorry for what I said
Jonah: it's fine I should've seen that coming
Zach: you didn't deserve it
Jonah: I mean sooner or later it's gonna come out
*went silent*
Jonah: I'm sorry for not telling you earlier about our relationship and the pregnancy
Zach: it's fine seriously I may not know the reason behind it but I want to say I'm sorry for the way I reacted the first time and an hour ago I've seen how the guys in her past have treated her and I just don't want her to go through that again
*he starts to cry*
Zach: she's my sister and your my brother and I really don't want you guys to hurt each other I can't lose the both of you we've been through so much together and if something happens I don't know what I would
*Jonah starts to tear up*
Jonah: we'll forever be brother no matter what happens I'll always be right there for you
*they do the handshake & hug*
Zach: I love you bro
Jonah: I love you too
*you walked towards them*
Y/N: can we talk?
Zach: actually I want to ask you guys something
*you sit in between them*
Zach: do you really love each other?
Jonah: I love her so much
*he holds your hand & looks in your eyes*
Y/N: and I love him so much
Zach: how happy are you guys together?
Jonah: beyond happy
Y/N: I've never been happy the way I am with him
Zach: I'm glad to hear that sis I want you to be happy and if that means you being with Jonah then I'm happy for the both of you
Y/N: so that means I can be with him?
Zach: yes
*you guys hug & Zach did the handshake with Jonah*
Zach: but if one of you hurt the other person I won't be able to pick a side
Y/N: that's not gonna happen
Zach: now before I forget heres your gift
*he hands you an envelope*
Y/N: what is it?
Zach: open it up
*you open it up & it was tickets*
Y/N: no way!
Jonah: what is it?
Y/N: two tickets to Paris omg! Zach thank you!
*you hug him*
Zach: I know you've always wanted to go to Paris so I got you the tickets
Y/N: thank you Zach and I'm guess the other ticket is because your coming?
Zach: no Jonah is going with you but no more surprises
Jonah: you got my word thank you brother
Zach: now let's go party

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