Chapter 22:

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April 2:

Jonah and I had to put the wedding on hold. We had moved in together almost close to my parents house. The boys came over to help move in some things in. It took us a while to move in since the house was in the making but it was finally complete two weeks ago.

A few minutes later.

We finished putting everything in their spot. We decided to go and get something to eat when I felt something going down my legs.

Y/N: Jonah!
*he comes up to you*
Jonah: yeah?
Y/N: it broke
Jonah: what broke?
Y/N: Jonah it's time to go now!
*contraction hit & you screamed*
Jonah: oh god okay uhm
Zach: what's with the screaming?
Jack: Y/N you're water broke already?
Corbyn: no way!
Zach: I'll stay here and take care of the kids you guys head to the hospital and I'll call mom and let them know
Y/N: okay
*contraction hit*
Y/N: ahhhh
*you start to breath in & out*
Jonah: okay let's go

A few hours later.

We finally welcomed our baby girl, Avayah Y/N Frantzich. It took us a while to figure it out but we did it. After a while, the boys and my parents came in to meet her.

Next Morning.

Zach brought Delilah and Flynn to come meet Avayah for the first time. The doctors took for her for an overnight check up.

Zach: you're two other babies have arrive
*he hands you Delilah while Jonah carries Flynn*
Zach: so wheres baby #3?
Y/N: having a check up
Zach: when Can I meet her?
Y/N; uhm
*the nurse brings in Avayah*
Nurse: brought her to get feed
Y/N: thank you
*Zach takes Delilah & the nurse gives you Avayah*
Y/N: Goodmorning Ava
*Jonah comes closer*
Jonah: look Flynn and Del this is your baby sister Avayah
Nurse: you ready?
Y/N: yeah
Zach: I'll step out while you do that
*he walks out*
Nurse: I'll be back later to get her
Y/N: thank you
Nurse: let me know if you guys need anything
Jonah: we will thank you
*nurse leaves*
Jonah: I'm glad we're all here together
Y/N: yeah just like we were a year ago
Jonah: almost 2 years
Y/N: time goes by quick
*you guys kissed*
Y/N: Im so sorry i doubted you
Jonah: it's okay I couldn't tell you right there what I did
Y/N: i really wanted to see what you had planned
Jonah: I mean we do have a few months left for the wedding
Y/N: what are you saying?
Jonah: I could set it up again one week before our wedding
Y/N: you don't have to Jonah
Jonah: I know I don't but I want to
*he gives you a kiss*
Y/N: okay

Two hours later.

Daniel and Franny came to visit. Flynn and Delilah went up to them and hugged them.

Y/N: now I figured out who they love the most
Jonah: and this whole time I thought it Zach and Jack since they act like their age
*everyone laugh*
Franny: I mean we would babysit when you guys want to sneak around like teens
Daniel: anyways where's the outcome of your sneaks?
Y/N: she's taking her nap over there she should be awake right about
*she cries*
Jonah: now
Franny: let me go get her
Y/N: thank you
*she carries her & she stops crying*
Jonah: looks like it runs in the family
Franny: what do you mean?
Y/N: well when my siblings carries her
Jonah: she's stops crying but in seconds she's back
Y/N: and when Jonah's siblings carries her
Jonah: she does the same thing
Daniel: well what can we say we're the best
*everyone laughs*
Y/N: sorry we couldn't make yesterday Daniel
*Franny gives him Avayah*
Daniel: it's fine you guys were busy bringing someone
Jonah: we promise to make it up to you
Y/N: once I'm out I'll buy you a gift
Daniel: its all good you already gave me a gift and it's bring my niece to the world

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