Chapter 4:

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May 31:

I woke up in Jonah's arms. I saw that everyone was still sleeping. I got up and took Zach's car to get breakfast for us but first I stopped by Franny's apartment. After a while, I finally got to her place and knocked on her door.

Y/N: Franny!
Franny: Y/N! Come in!
Y/N: did you barely get up?
Franny: no I was already up
Y/N: you want to go get breakfast with me?
Franny: of course let me go put on my shoes
Y/N: okay
*a few minutes later*
Franny: alright let's go

We went to the car and went to go get Starbucks and food.

Y/N: ohh remember the guy I told you I meet at the bar
Franny: yeah you found out who it was?
Y/N: yes you won't believe who it is
Franny: don't tell me it was Jonah?
Y/N: how do you know?
Franny: Daniel told me the exact same story you told me
Y/N: so that means you and Daniel know?
Franny: apparently
Y/N: please don't tell Zach I don't want him to get overprotective
Franny: we won't and I'll make sure of that
Y/N: thank you

A few minutes later.

We finally got the breakfast and coffees and started driving back to Jack's house. After a while of driving, Zach calls me.

why you take my car?!

i went to go buy breakfast for you
guys and I picked up Franny


hi Franny!

Im almost to Jack's house

we're heading over to Daniel's house

okay then I'll be there in
a few minutes

don't crash my car!


*you hung up & you both start laughing*
Y/N: he's gonna get mad when we get there
Franny: it's a good thing I'm vlogging today

A few minutes later.

We got to Daniel's house and Zach comes out running to the car.

Zach: thank god nothing happened
Y/N: yeah we're fine thanks for asking
Zach: yeah yeah
Y/N: you mind helping us take the breakfast inside
Zach: nah you got it
*Daniel & Jonah comes out*
Daniel/Jonah: let us help you
Franny/ Y/N: thank you
Y/N: seems like Zach is busy
Jonah: he cares more about his car then anything else
*you both laugh and stared at each other*
Franny: anyways what are you guys doing today?
*you all walked inside and left Zach outside*
Daniel: we have more interviews to do today
Y/N: well then i guess Franny and i will head over to the C4 house
Franny: but Imma need to change before we go
Y/N: same Im not trying to be in the same outfit twice in row
Daniel: i can take you both home if you girls want to
Jonah: actually I can take Y/N home since I need to check up on Wes
Y/N: i would love that
*you both smile at each other and Zach walks in*
Zach: alright let's get the day started

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