Chapyer 8:

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After a while, Jack pulled me to the side. I'm confused on why he wanted to talk to me alone. We walked outside being far from everyone else. He had a concerned look.

Y/N: why are we outside?
Jack: I want to talk to you alone because I don't know who else knows
Y/N: okay
Jack: and I know we only know each other for a few weeks and you don't have to tell me
Y/N: Jack get to the point
Jack: okay okay are you pregnant?
Y/N: what? Wait who told you?
Jack: I heard you on the phone when we called to see if you can
Y/N: if I can distract Jonah
Jack: yeah
Y/N: oh god! Did Zach heard it too?
Jack: no one did just me
Y/N: not even Corbyn and Daniel?
Jack: nope they left right after to go get us food with Jonah and Zach went in to record his part
Y/N: Zach can't find out about it not just yet please Jack promise me
Jack: I won't
*you guys hug*
Y/N: thank you Jack
Jack: of course but who's the father?
Y/N: that I can't tell you
Jack: I'll find out soon anyways congrats Y/N I know your gonna be great mom
Y/N: thank you Jack
Jack: of course now let's enjoy the party

Next Morning.

Mostly everyone woke up with a hangover. I went downstairs to the kitchen and started to make breakfast for everyone. After a while, Jonah came downstairs and put his hands on my belly.

Y/N: you need to stop doing that when there's a chance we get caught
Jonah: Zach isn't here
Y/N: I know but Corbyn and Eben are
Jonah: they're not gonna say anything
*you go back to cooking*
Jonah: anyways why did Jack pull you outside?
*you walked closer to him & whisper*
Y/N: he wanted me to confess to him about me being pregnant
Jonah: so he knows now
Y/N: yeah
Jonah: Y/N what if he tells Zach?
*Corbyn comes downstairs*
Corbyn: goodmorning
Y/N/Jonah: morning
Corbyn: so who's gonna tell Zach what?
Jonah: oh uhm
Y/N: I might go back to Chicago for a few days
Corbyn: for what?
Y/N: my roommate and I are looking for a new place so we gonna do a little house searching
Corbyn: hope you find one
Y/N: thanks anyways breakfast is ready

An hour later.

I said goodbye to the boys and headed home to do a little packing. I didn't really lie to Corbyn. My roommate is actually moving back home while I'm looking for a new place. I'm actually graduating in less than a year.

After a while, I got to my house at the same time Zach got home. We both walked in and saw that our family were eating breakfast. We both sat down at the table but I didn't stay for long. Food makes me nauseous now.

A few minutes later.

I got out of the shower and started to do a simple hairstyle *swipe to see*. After a while, I went to my closet to look for something to wear and also pack. I heard a knock on the door.

Y/N: come in
*zach walks in*
Zach: hey
Y/N: hey, you really know how to organize a party
Zach: what can I say? All this tour set up gave me a little inspiration
Y/N: now i know who to call for a party set up
*you both laugh*
Zach: anyways what you doing?
Y/N: I'm packing a few things
Zach: I thought you were staying the whole summer
Y/N: I am but I have to look for a new place
Zach: just move here I get to see you more
Y/N: I need one more year to go
Zach: then you'll move here?
Y/N: I'll see
Zach: so what are your plans?
Y/N: today? Nothing I was gonna go see Franny but I think she's hanging out at the C4
Zach: good then we can hang out
Y/N: what do you have in mind?
Zach: just be ready in 30 minutes

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