Chapter 21:

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We both walked out of my room and I said goodbye to everyone. After a while, I got to Daniel's house. I got down and knocked on the door. Corbyn opens the door.

Y/N: hey
*he moves to the side & you walk in*
Corbyn: hey
Y/N: you ready?
Corbyn: yeah you left your car on?
Y/N: well I just came to pick you up but first I need to use the restroom
Corbyn: I'll wait in the car
Y/N: okay

A few minutes later.

I was about to walk out when I saw that my car and Corbyn were gone. I went back inside and started calling him. No responses just went straight to voicemail. After a while, a car pulled up. I started walking towards the door when I see the door open.

Y/N: you better have a good explanation to why you left me here and took my car
*you saw Jonah walking in*
Y/N: what are you doing here?
Jonah; I'm here to talk to you and explain what actually happened that night
Y/N: well I have a date
Jonah: I know you're getting dinner with Corbyn
Y/N: yeah I am and he's gonna co-
Jonah: he's not coming back until I tell him to
Jonah: it's part of his plan
Y/N: for me to listen to you
*he nods*
Y/N: fine talk
*you sit down on the couch*
Jonah: look I know you think I cheated on you because Tate and I didn't come back to the suite
Y/N: you did or else she won't have said last night was amazing
Jonah: doesn't mean we did it Y/N I love you and my kids I wouldn't do that to you
*you scoff*
Y/N: well you did it so
Jonah: after the kiss she gave me we both left the bar together but we didn't go to another suite or hotel or anything we've been up since we were just walking and looking for
*he stays quiet for a second*
Jonah: nevermind
Y/N: no finish that sentence
Jonah: I can't until we're good
Y/N: fine I listened to you now call Corbyn and tell him to come back
Jonah: no not until you forgive me please Y/N
*you started to tear up*
Y/N: not until you tell me what you guys actually did
Jonah: fine but I need to show you something first
Y/N: what do you need to show me?
*he stands in front of you & reaches out to hold your hand*
Jonah: just come with me please

I grabbed his hand and we started walking to the background. Once we stepped out, I saw both of our friends and family standing in front of something. As we got closer, I saw a sign saying 'Will You Marry Me?'.

Jonah: this is what we did in Vegas
*he tells you everything*
Jonah: I wanted to propose to you in Vegas but
Y/N: I jumped to conclusion of you cheating on me
*you cupped his face*
Y/N: I'm so sorry Jonah I should've listened to you
*he gives you a kiss & you kissed back*
Jonah: it's okay baby now
*Corbyn hands Jonah the ring & he goes on his knee*
Jonah: Y/N since the day we meet I never thought I would see you again until I saw you in the kitchen making food for your family I guess it was a sign that we're meant to be
*you laughed*
Jonah: and hiding our relationship from mostly everyone since someone catch us
Jack: that was me
*everyone laughs*
Jonah: it was hard because I wanted everyone to know you're mine and that I'm the father of our kids
*you start to tear up*
Jonah: although I wanted to do this in Vegas I'm glad I get to do this in front of our family and friends
Esther: just ask the question already
Svea: we want to be her sister already
Jonah: Y/N Herron will you make me the happiest man and be my gorgeous wife?
Y/N: yes yes yes!
*he puts on the ring & stands up & kisses you & everyone congratulated you guys*

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