Chapter 18:

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A few hours later.

After lunch, we went for a walk and did a little shopping. We went back to the hotel suite and started to get ready to go to the club. I'm currently getting ready with Franny.

Franny: so how is going with Jonah?
Y/N: he's everything that I needed you know
Franny: how so?
Y/N: all the guys that I've dated only wanted me for my body but with Jonah I feel like he wants me for me
Franny: do you think he'll propose?
Y/N: I don't know
Franny: do you see a future with him?
Y/N: I mean having babies well we're already past that but marriage I can see that
Franny: well I'm happy for you seriously I'm glad you found someone who you see a future with
Y/N: I'm really happy
Franny: I can tell you deserve to be happy
*Jonah and Daniel walked in*
Jonah: hey beautiful
Daniel: hey lovely ladies
Y/N/Franny: heyy
Jonah: are you girls ready?
Y/N: just finished doing my hair and makeup *swipe to see* just need to change
Franny: same imma go to my room and change
*Daniel and Franny walked out*
Jonah: you know what we should do
*you walked to your closet*
Y/N: what should we do?
*he walks behind you & start kissing your neck*
Jonah: we don't go and skip the whole drinks and get to bed
*you started laughing*
Jonah: what's so funny?
*you turned to look at him*
Y/N: baby we're trying to redo the day and that means we got to do what actually happened
Jonah: come on we're gonna be alone
Y/N: as much as I would love that we're not gonna do that
Jonah: okay okay

A few minutes later.

I finished getting ready *swipe to see*. We took a few shots before heading out.

Y/N: I want to make a toast to my brother
Zach: no toast
Y/N: why not?
Zach: your toast are always long
Jonah: I agree
Y/N: I promise I'll keep it short
Jack: I want to hear
Y/N: see he wants to hear it
Zach: fine
Y/N: alright all I want to say that I'm glad I get to call you my brother and today's gonna be your last day being 20 and you're gonna now be my drinking buddy so cheers to you almost being 21
Everyone: TO ZACH!

A few hours later.

We've been drinking so much to the point we might not know what's happening. Jonah and I started to do the redo of that night. Franny knows what we're doing so at least someone know what we're doing.

Y/N: I'll meet you at the bar
Jonah: I'll be there
Y/N: imma use the restroom first
Jonah: don't take long I'll miss you
Y/N: you're such a simp
*you guys kiss*
Jonah: I love you

I walked away but I acted like I didn't hear. I may be drunk but I know what he said and honestly I'm shocked that he said it. We've been saying that we love each other to other people but never just us.

A few minutes later.

I started walking towards the bar and saw Jonah kissing someone else. I just stared at them not knowing what to do. I walked up to Franny and told her I'm going back to the hotel and leaving tomorrow first thing in the morning.

Franny: but why?
Y/N: I'll explain later but I'll let you know what room I'm in because I don't think imma be able to be in the same room
Franny: do you want me to go with you?
Y/N: no you have fun and I'll be fine I'll let you know when I'm at the hotel
Franny: are you sure?
Y/N: yes I'm sure
Franny: what do I say when they ask about you?
Y/N: just say that someone called me about a job offer and I had to go tomorrow to start
Franny: okay but please be safe
Y/N: I'll let you know what room I am

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