Chapter 13:

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December 16:

I just got off for my winter break. I'm driving to my house right as I turn in my final for my criminology class. I started walking to the class when I felt hands covering my eyes.

Y/N: what the fuck!
??: you got to guess who it is
Y/N: I already know it's you Spence
*the hands fall off*
??: wow
*you turn around & see Jonah*
Y/N: Jonah? What you doing here?
Jonah: I came to surprise my girl but she ended up naming someone else
Y/N: oh come on Jonah, how would I've known it was you when you live in LA?
Jonah: you right I'm sorry
Y/N: don't be I love it when you're jealous
*you give him a kiss*
Jonah: here let me help you
Y/N: thank you baby
*he gives you a kiss*
Jonah: so where are we going?
Y/N: gonna drop off my final for criminology
Jonah: lead the way
*he grabs you hand*
Y/N: you're here alone?
Jonah: yeah I told them I'm flying home early
Y/N: so I'm not gonna see you for the break?
Jonah: we're going together
Y/N: what are you saying?
Jonah: you ready to meet my family?
Y/N: wait are you serious?
Jonah: yeah they're excited to meet you
Y/N: are we flying out or driving?
Jonah: we're driving well mostly me
Y/N: you sure?
Jonah: as long as I'm with my girl and my twins I'll be fine
Y/N: let's do it this a weekend getaway
Jonah: one thing to cancel off your list

A few hours later.

We got back from shopping and getting dinner. I showed Jonah the nursery room and he loved it. I had to move some things around since it turned out to be twins.

Jonah: this is amazing
*he wraps his arms around your waist*
Jonah: I love it & the babies are gonna love it
Y/N: you think so?
Jonah: I know so
*he leaves a kiss on you shoulder*
Y/N: shall we get some sleep before we head out?
Jonah: let's go

A few hours later.

It's 5 in the afternoon and we got ready for the road trip. I just put some comfy clothes and we got in the car. Jonah didn't want me to drive so he took over. I was kinda nervous to meet his family.

Jonah: you ready?
Y/N: yeah I'm ready
Jonah: you look nervous I can reschedule
Y/N: no I really want to meet your family
Jonah: well we got a 5 hour drive

5 hour later.

I already did my hair before we hit the road and I finished doing my makeup on our way here *swipe to see*. Jonah stopped a few minutes ago to put gas in my car while I went to go change out of my joggers and into some presentable *swipe to see*.

Jonah: you ready?
Y/N: yeah I am
Jonah: good because we're here
*He pulls up into the driveway and parks the car*
Jonah: come on
Y/N: alright let's go
*you guys got off & knocked on the door & Jonah hold your hand*
??: omg! He's here!
*the girl hugs him & you let Jonah's hand go*
??: ahhh it's really you
??: come in
??: welcome home Jonah
Jonah: it feels good to back home
*you all walked to the living room*
??: who's this beautiful girl next to you?
Jonah: this is Y/N Herron my girl
??: wait she's a Herron? Zach's cousin?
Y/N: no older sister
??: I thought Reese was the only sister
Y/N: I told them not to say anything about me yet
??: I understand where you're coming from I'm Esther Jonah's younger sister
??: and I'm Svea Jonah's little sister
Jonah: and these are my parents
??: Carrie
??: and I'm Timothy
Y/N: it's nice to meet y'all but it's 2 boys and 2 girls, right?
Esther: Zebulon he's mostly out doing his thing

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