Chapter 11:

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June 30:

I'm currently on a plane with Tony, JJ and Spencer. They insisted on coming with me to LA. Every since I got back from LA, I've been going to work and a little bit of training. I can't go a second without any of the boys or JJ calling me to see how I'm doing.

We finished painting the nursery room and my room. We made a playing room and a guest rooms too since I had extra rooms. There's only one that's empty I might have that as my quiet room I still don't know.

A few hours later.

We finally arrived in LA and we did what we had to do. We got food before calling Zach to pick us up. He still hasn't meet Spencer and I'm kinda scared to what he's gonna think about him. Let's just hope he doesn't think Spencer is the dad.

An hour later.

We finished eating and called Zach to pick us up. After a while of waiting, he finally got here but with Jonah. Zach and I ran up to each other.

Zach: glad to have you back home Reese hasn't stopped asking when you're coming home
Y/N: I can't wait to see her again but anyways Zach this is my
Spencer: boyfriend
*they shake hands and you see Jonah getting mad*
Y/N: ex boyfriend
*he puts his arm around you*
Spencer: still denying our relationship
Y/N: Spence don't start
JJ: now who's this handsome
Y/N: this is Jonah, Jonah this is JJ, Tony and Spencer
*they shake hands*
Zach: you guys ready to go?
*you all nod*

I sat down in the middle seat of Spencer and JJ. Tony sat by himself in the back and Zach and Jonah are in the front. As we drove off, Spencer puts his hand on my thigh and I saw Jonah in the rear-view mirror getting jealous.

Zach: so when did you guys started dating?
Y/N: we dated freshman year of college but ended it at the end of junior year 1st semester
JJ: but they still flirt here and there
Spencer: What can I say I still love her

A few minutes later.

We got to the house and I saw a lot of cars in the driveway. I looked at Zach but he said he can't say anything. I looked at Jonah and he just looked away. Spencer ended up grabbing my hand as we were walking in. When we got in, everyone popped out and screamed.

*Reese came running to you*
Y/N: there's my favorite girl
Reese: I missed you
*you both hug each other*
Y/N: I miss you too
*Myta, Josh, Ryan came & hug you*
Myta: so how's you and the baby doing?
Y/N: we're doing good I called the doctor from here to schedule an appointment
Jonah: when is it?
Y/N: uhm tomorrrow afternoon
Reese: are you gonna find out if it's a girl?
Josh: it's too early to tell
Y/N: we're just gonna check up that's it
Chelsey: we're glad you're back but who are they?
Y/N: ohh sorry this is JJ, Tony, and Spencer
*they all introduce each other & shake hands*
Spencer: I'm Y/N's boyfriend
Y/N: ex boyfriend
Jonah: (whispers) yeah right
*you just look at him*
Y/N: well if you excuse me imma leave my things in my room

A few minutes later.

I texted Jonah to come to my room. He just left me on read so I'm guessing he's not gonna come. After a while, I heard a knock and I went to go open it.

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