Chapter 14:

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December 18:

These past few days has been amazing with Jonah's family. I got really close to his sisters. Sadly I didn't meet his brother but hopefully I'll meet him soon. We did invite him to the gender reveal that's in 6 days. Jonah's family is coming in 5 days.

A few minutes later.

We got everything we needed packed. We said goodbye to everyone and drove back to my place to leave my car.

A few hours later.

We got in an Uber and headed to the airport. We were at our gate waiting for the doors to open up. I was getting hungry.

Jonah: what's wrong?
Y/N: oh nothing just hungry and sleepy
Jonah: when we get in the plane you can sleep but for now I'll get you food
Y/N: you don't have to
Jonah: I do you're gonna stay here and I'll go get food tell me when the doors open
Y/N: I will
*he kisses your forehead*
Jonah: I'll be back
Y/N: okay

Jonah's POV:
Before we left the house, my mom put me to the side and told me I shouldn't let Y/N go. She's a special girl. I wouldn't let her go she means so much to me. I'm in love with her at this point more than I was before.

Right now I'm waiting for the food to be ready. After a while, I got the food and started walking to the gate. I heard my name being called before getting to Y/N.

*they hug him*
Jonah: what's up guys?
Limelight: you're going back to LA?
Jonah: yeah I got rehearsals
Limelight #2: are you by yourself?
Jonah: no I'm here with a friend
Limelight #3: who?
*they all got to you & looked at your belly*
Limelights: hi
Jonah: here's your food
Y/N: thank you and hello to you too
Limelight #2: so are you guys together?
Y/N: oh no I would be dead if we were
Limelight #3: why's that?
Y/N: you'll find out soon
Limelight: so why are you going to LA?
Y/N: I'm visiting family
Limelight #3: who's your family?
Announcer: Flight to Los Angeles, California is now boarding
Jonah: well that's enough questions
Y/N; youll find out more soon
Limelight: wait can we take a picture with you guys?
Y/N/Jonah: yeah

We took pictures with them and said goodbye to them. I'm surprised they didn't ask Y/N who's the father. We got in the plane and put our bags away. I was in the middle while Y/N was on the right of me so she can go to the restroom since she's at the point in the pregnancy.

Y/N: I was scared that they were gonna ask if your the dad
Jonah: I know I was too
Y/N: I'm ready to find out the gender
Jonah: I think it's girls
Y/N: no I think it's a girl and boy
Jonah: nah I think it's a set of girl
Y/N: I guess we got to wait until tomorrow
Jonah: but for now let's have you rest
Y/N: I'm still not done eating

Your POV:
A few hours later.

We got to LA and got into an Uber. We went to his house first since he wanted to spend more time before I got home. After a while, we got to his place.

Jonah: you ready?
Y/N: yeah
*you guys walked inside & saw the boys but not Zach*
Y/N: oh hey guys
Boys: Y/N!
*they all hug you & pulled away*
Daniel: omg look how big you got
Jack: how many more?
Y/N: 2 more months
Corbyn: can't wait to meet this baby
Jonah: where's Zach?
Jack: he's coming over later he was waiting for Y/N
Y/N: then I guess I should get going
Jonah: I'll take you
Y/N: thank you I'll see you guys later
Boys: bye

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