Chapter 12:

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July 1:

Zach wanted me to help him with organizing the party for Jack's birthday. The boys are gonna distract him for a few hours while I set up the decorations and everything else at his house with Jack's family.

A few hours later.

We finished having everything ready we just needed a few touches and get the cake from the bakery.

Kristin: Y/N, how about you go home and get ready we got it from here
Y/N: you sure?
Sydney: yeah we just need a few touches
Ava: and get the cake
Y/N: well on my way home I'll get the cake from the baker and I'll let Zach know we're ready
Kristin: drive safe
Y/N: I will

A few minutes later.

I got to my place and I went to go take a shower. After a while, I got out and went into my room. Once I locked the door and turned around, I hear a voice that screamed me.

??: beautiful as always
*you jumped & turned around*
Y/N: when did you get in here? And what are you doing here?
??: a few seconds ago and Zach wanted me to get Jack's gift from his room
Y/N: well Jonah I'm sorry to inform you but you're not in his room
*he comes closer & puts his hands on your waist*
Jonah: I know I just wanted to see my girl since she's home alone
Y/N: my family is here
Jonah: they left when I came in so we're alone now
*he gives you a kiss*
Y/N: so what are you guys doing to distract Jack?
*you give him a kiss & started to do your makeup*
Jonah: uhm Corbyn thought we should rent a boat just us boys and few other friends
Y/N: sounds like fun
*he goes to you & starts kissing your neck*
Jonah: would have been more fun if you were there
Y/N: I know baby but me and your child need to be safe
*he puts his hand on your belly*
Jonah: you're right
Y/N: should you be going since Zach is gonna be asking-
*his phone starts to ringing*
Y/N: where you are
Jonah: it's like you can predict what's gonna happen next
*he answers the call*
Jonah: yes Zach I have it, I'm heading over there, alright bye
*he ends the call*
Y/N: you got to go?
Jonah: yeah I'll see you two later
Y/N: bye love
*you guys kiss*
Jonah: bye gorgeous
*you guys kissed again*

2 hours later.

I finished doing my hair and makeup *swipe to see*. After a while, I finally found an outfit to wear *swipe to see*. I was about to change when Zach ended up calling me. I answered the call and put it on speaker.

yes Zach

is it ready?

just need to pick up the cake and
that's it

how much longer do we need to stall?

about an hour

don't tell your not ready yet

I just need to change I don't know if
Jack's family is ready

alright just let me know when
y'all ready

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