Chapter 6:

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June 13:

I've been hanging out with the boys' sisters a lot and now they're my best friends. Sometime Zach, Reese, Ryan, and I would hangout or just one by one since Zach is mostly with the boys or his girlfriend which surprisingly I haven't meet. Im currently with Franny and Nezza. We've been shopping.

These past few days I've been nauseous, always craving for things I've never had and I've been feeling different. Right now we're heading over to the beach. We had to stop at a grocery store to buy some snacks and wine. As soon as we got out of the car, I saw everything go black.

Nezza's POV:
When we got to the store, we saw Y/N falling to the ground.

Franny/Nezza: Y/N!
*they run to catch you*
Nezza: omg! Y/N!
Franny: what just happened?
Nezza: I don't know help me get her in the car and let's take her to the hospital
Franny: okay okay
*they put you in the car & drive to the hospital*
Franny: hurry Nezza!
Nezza: I'm going! Call her mom and tell her to meet us there
Franny: alright

A few minutes later.

We got the hospital and the took her to a room. We had to explain to them what happened. After a while, Myta came with Josh and Ryan.

Myta: what happened?
Ryan: is my sister okay?
Josh: what they tell you girls?
Franny: we don't know she was doing fine and the next thing we know she's falling to the ground
Nezza: we still don't know if she's okay they said they're gonna do some test to see what's wrong

Your POV:
I woke up on a hospital bed. I started to panic a little. After a few seconds, doctors and nurses came in. After a while, they calmed me down.

Doctor: Y/N do you know why you're here?
Y/N: no that's why I started to panic
Doctor: your friends told us you fainted in the parking lot of a grocery store
Y/N: oh god! Why did I faint?
Doctor: we were waiting for you to wake up and ask you a few questions
Y/N: ask away

The doctor asked us a questions about my health and if I'm sexually active and when was the last time.

Y/N: uhm the last time would be probably a few days ago
Doctor: okay a nurse will come back with a peeing cup to test for pregnancy
Y/N: okay
Doctor: I'll let your family and friends know you're awake
Y/N: thank you

The doctor and the nurses left me alone in the room. I just laid back down and relax while they get here. After a while, Ryan come in running.

Y/N: woah! Calm down
Myta: how are you?
Y/N: I'm feeling better
Franny: you scared us back there
Y/N: I didn't plan it
Nezza: so what they tell you?
Y/N: the doctor thinks I might be pregnant
Myta: the doctor might be right
Y/N: I don't know but can I talk to Franny alone?
Everyone: sure
Myta: we'll be outside
*they all left*
Franny: do you think it's his?
Y/N: well he was the last one I hooked up with
Franny: Y/N you might be pregnant with his kid
Y/N: I know and now Zach is gonna be even more mad at me if he finds out
Franny: so what are you gonna do if you are?
Y/N: imma keep the baby if he doesn't want to be part of the baby's life it's up to him
Franny: and we're all here to support you
*you guys hugged*
Y/N: thank you Franny
*nurse comes in*
Nurse: here's your cup and some liquid to help you better
Y/N: thank you
Nurse: you're welcome I'll be back to pick it up

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