Chapter sixteen

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If you thought I was going home like this, you are insane. I knew my dad would absolutely murder Kyler and although Kyler deserved it, I didn't need my dad in jail right now.
So I went to the dipshit who lived closet to the school and begged he was at home moping.
"Shit." I mumbled seeing his moms car in the driveway. Usually she was at work but I assumed she was home to help make her son feel better. I parked across the street and hobbled out of the car, a trail of blood following as I did. I had ripped the T shirt I was wearing up and tied it around my head to either absorb the blood or to stop it from bleeding. Neither of those were being helped.
I walked to the side of the house and looked up at the window. God why did he have to live on the second story. I huffed as I rolled my head back trying to catch my breath from the walk from the car to here. I latched my hands onto the stone of the house and slowly pulled myself up, stone by stone. I eventually rolled onto the overhang of the porch, gasping for air. I sat up and crawled over to the window. I knocked on the window quietly waiting for him to pull back the currents. I sat in the window seal, my head leaned against the glass as I panted. I knocked Again harder and the current was quickly pulled back.
Eli's face fell and he undid the window latch, pulling it up.
"Why do you live on the top floor?" I muttered crawling into his room.

"Sage what happened?" Eli asked. I waved him off and walked into his bathroom. "Your covered in blood." He stated. "Yeah no shit." I mumbled turning on the water and washing my blood stained hands. I shook my hands into the sink and shut off the water before Untying the T-shirt around my head.
"Sage tell me what happened." Eli said.
I looked into the mirror at the cut on my face. It started at my top lip and ran up to the same height as my nose. Blood covered my face entirely and I grabbed Eli's hand towel and wetted it before wiping the blood off.
"Sage!" Eli yelled at me.
"Quiet will you? Think I want your mom coming in and seeing me like this. God, I got into a fight okay? He slammed my face down on some scissors and it looked like it.." I took my thumb and pushed back one side of the cut, my teeth revealing under it, "sliced right through." I grimaced at the sight and continued to wipe my face.

"Because of me." Eli mumbled. I rolled my eyes, "The earth doesn't revolve around you Eli. Kyler did it because he's an ass not because of you."
"Kyler did this?" He yelled at me. I huffed and dropped the red soaked towel on the counter and opened up the cabinet to grab another one. This one I just held onto the cut as I searched through Eli's drawers for something useful. Eli grabbed my shoulders, spinning me around and shoved me against the counter, "Sage stop it for one goddamn second!" He yelled, his eyes glistening with anger and tears. "What? Im just trying to find a bandaid or something."

"Sage I thought you were dead and then you come waltzing in my room, dripping blood every where with a cut that looks a lot like my surgery scar, while your gasping for breaths every five seconds. I need you to sit down and let me do this alright?" Eli yelled. "So sit on the goddamn counter and leg me help you."
I rolled my eyes at him but obliged and jumped up on the counter, wincing in pain.
"Take a deep breath." Eli stated and I took a shallow, shaky breath. "Tell me what happened. Everything, not just this fight. Everything at the hospital too."

Eli removed the towel I was holding up to my lip as I started talking. I told him about my lungs and the tumors they removed. I told him that Demetri made me hug him and my dad had officially gone crazy with me doing things on my own. I described the fight to him, where Kyler hat hit me which leaned to Eli taking off my shirt to check my surgery marks to make sure they were okay.

"You really need to go to the hospital for this." Eli said letting his thumb run over my lip.

I shook my head, "no I can't."

"Sage it hasn't stopped bleeding. You need stitches." Eli argued dabbing my face with the towel.

"Dad can't afford another hospital bill." I mumbled leaning my head away from him and against the mirror. "He's already thinking of selling the dojo just to pay for the surgery."

"He'd want you to go to the hospital." Eli stated.

I scoffed, "yeah." A thought clicked in my head, Ms. Diaz. "I gotta get to the hospital." I mumbled standing up off the counter, wincing at impact.

"Yeah you do. Come on I'll drive you." Eli said throwing the bloody towels in the trash can and handing me a fresh one.

"Absolutely not." I said, "I would never let you drive my car." I huffed opening up the window and climbing it. "You can't drive like this." Eli stated following me out.
"I'd crash the car before I'd let you drive it." I stated giving him a small smile. I put the hand towel in-between my teeth as I scaled down the side of the house. When I got to the ground, I 'ran' to my car and got in the drivers seat. Eli jumped into the passenger seat, a disapproving look on his face. "No." I stated again as I turned the car on.
I drove towards the hospital I knew Ms. Diaz worked at. Eli messed with the songs playing on the radio, skipping over them and never landing on a station. I hit his hand at the 12th station, "stop!" I huffed.
"What? Your car doesn't have aux." he huffed back and continued to flip through the stations.
"Do you want me to bring up the hair or no?" I asked looking over at his freshly red dyed hair.
"Just ignore it." He mumbled lightly.
"Alright sounds good." I stated putting my eyes back into the road.
"Do you want me to bring up your broken nose?" Eli
I let out a groan at the thought of another broken nose. I swear that boy has to pay for my nose job I will be having when I win the lottery.
"Absolutely not." I muttered.

I pulled into the parking lot of the hospital and drove around to the very back.
"The entrance was that way." Eli stated pointing the opposite direction.
I put the car in park and pulled out my phone and clicked on Carmen's contact, holding it up to my ear.
"Sage. Hi, are you alright?" Her voice asked almost immediately.
"Im alright. Can you just come out back? Im in my car." I asked.
She stayed silent for a second, "you aren't alright." She responded.
"Dad can't afford another hospital bill and I just need you to look at it and tell me it's fine." I told her. She sighed into the phone and told me she would be right there. I hung up and put by phone in the center console before leaning my head back against the seat.

"Hey." Eli said, "Im glad your okay. And alive."
I smiled lightly not looking at him, "I'm glad you dyed your hair." He laughed lightly, shaking his head at me. "After you get better, I want to take you out okay? I hope you dying didn't change your feelings about me." He half joked.
I cracked a smile, "you wish pretty boy."


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