Chapter eighteen

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"So got a boyfriend Sage?" Demetri asked. I raised my eyebrows, staring at him.  "Not asking for me."
I shrugged and leaned back on Eli's couch, "no. And don't want one." I stated.
"Everyone looking to be in a relationship." Demetri said, "I'd give anything to be in one."
I rolled my eyes, "When you've been in enough relationships with enough assholes, you realize that dating this young is stupid, you stop looking."
Demetris eyes wandered over to Eli who was making popcorn in the kitchen.
"Is Eli an asshole?" Demetri asked. I turned and looked at the boy who has just burned his hand on the popcorn bag.
I chuckled, "are you suggesting I date Eli?"
Demetri shrugged, "not suggesting, just putting the idea out there."
"That's suggesting." I stated.
"Look, I think he likes you." Demetri whispered slightly.
I laughed shaking my head at the boy, "Eli likes me? The same boy who's still scared of the dark? That's amazing."
"Im serious Sage." Demetri said looking at the boy, "I think he really likes you."
I shook my head, "I'd ruin that boy."
"He'd probably be into it."

"Uh Eels?" I mumbled as Eli scaled the chain link fence.
"Yeah?" He asked from the top.  I grabbed onto the fence and put my foot on one of the holes, "when I said a date I didn't think breathing and entering would be on our to do list." I huffed climbing up and jumping to the ground on the other side.
"Golf and stuff is closed on Monday." He stated as if it was completely normal to break into places when it was closed.
"O-Kay." I mumbled as he grabbed my hand and led me to the shed where normally you would pay for your clubs. Eli pulled out a key from his pocket and stuck it into the key hole, twisting it and popping the lock.
He caught my concerned face and held the key up to me before shoving it into his pocket, "Ty from 5th works here." He stated before opening up the door. He stuck his head in as to check for people before walking in. He grabbed two golf clubs and two balls, holding my set out to me.
I took them from him and he got out, setting the lock back up but not locking it.
"Let's set this up as a bet." Eli stated throwing the golf ball up in the air.
I rolled my eyes, "so hanging out with your girlfriend before she moves 8 hours away isn't enough?" I asked.
He smiled and shook his head, "nope, I need something on the line. The winner gets whatever they want from the other person."
I shook my head at the boy as I walked up to the first hole, "I don't have anything to offer." I stated setting down the ball on the green turf.
"Then you better win." Eli stated


Did I lose on purpose to see Eli's smile once more before I moved away? I'll never tell.
But that was a plus.

Eli's face every time he hit the ball into the hole was priceless. He had always been competitive, even before his surge of confidence; he loved winning. He did however, help me with my shots.

"Line your feet up." Eli said pushing his shoot in between mine to spread them out a little. He walked around towards my back and did the cliché, hands around waist to help me line up my shot. "Now just slowly bring it back.." he brought his hands back with mine and I hit the ball softly, putting it into the hole. His hands moved to wrap around my waist, I smiled lightly and turned my head to the side to see Eli's on my shoulder, "pretty good huh?" I asked.
He kissed my cheek, smiling also, "pretty good. But not good enough. I still won." I rolled my eyes at him, a grin plastered on my face. "Alright pretty boy. What do you want?" I asked turning around to face him. I put my arms around his neck. "Deals a deal." I stated.

Eli hummed as he thought about what he wanted. I had nothing to offer him, I was leaving in 2 hours and had enough stuff to pack in a suit case.
"I want." Eli started,  leaning in and kissing my bottom lip, avoided the blood stained top one. "I want you to promise me your going to come back." He whispered.
My face fell and my eyes shut, I gulped lightly just at the thought of leaving. Eli out his hand on my cheek and I leaned into it, "I can't promise that." I mumbled.
"Hey. Look at me." I opened my glossy eyes looking at the boy sadly. A small sad smile was plastered on his face, "I don't care if you can't promise it, i just need you to say it." He said.
I shook my head at him and he nodded, "I just need to hear you say it so I won't go crazy. Please love."
My lip quivered ever so slightly, enough to make Eli notice and his his thumb over it to hold it still. "I-
I promise to come back." I mumbled. Eli smiled and nodded, "thank you." He whispered.
I pulled the boy into a hug, crying lightly in his neck.
I don't think I have cried as much as I've cried today.

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