Chapter Twenty- Eight

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I wanted nothing more for Kyler to get his face beat in by Eli right in front of me. I stood next to cobra Kai even though my heart and mind couldn't be farther. I wish Eli hated me because right now I was suppose to be rooting for Kyler yet I was tapping my foot anxiously worrying about Eli getting hurt. God I was whipped. 

I watched as they bowed to each other and the round started, Kyler looked nervous. The look in Eli's eye could scare anyone, especially a baby like Kyler. Eli got the first point easy and I whispered out a yes under my breath. Silver was next to me and he looked down, "cheering for the wrong team Lawrence?" He asked with a slight hint of amusement. "I may be on cobra Kai but I'm not with cobra Kai. I fight for myself and cheer for ever the hell I want to." I stated earning a look from silver that I wasn't sure was amusement or annoyance. 

Eli took the second point with the first move of his body. It was a point that he didn't have to try on and he made it seem as if Kyler hadn't moved. He made straight eye contact with me. It was something that made me swallow the saliva in my mouth and roll my shoulder. A look that almost scared me and I loved it. 

The third point was just as easy and he won the match. I couldn't help the side of my lip from coming up to a sharp smile, one that Eli noticed and sent one back. I turned to silver, "I'm going to the locker room. Be back." I stated my eyes stuck one Eli as I walked towards the double doors. I stood next them and waited hoping that a smile was enough to do it. It sure enough was because the double doors swung open revealing a not even breaking a sweat Eli. As soon as the doors closed he pushed me up against the wall attaching his lips to mine. I groaned into his mouth grabbing at his gi as he didn't slow down. He moved down to my neck and I kept my eyes closed sighing at the feeling I hadn't felt in so long. He stopped, his mouth hovering over my neck breathing heavily. It gave me almost the same goosebumps as did the making of the marks on my neck. "win." he muttered. I hummed in response, grabbing the back of his head now that there was no hair to grab onto, pulling his head away to look at him. "what's that?" I asked. "win and we'll finish this." Eli stated his face only centimeters away from me. I let out a tight breath, "both of us being like this isn't gonna work." I stated my lips turning into a small smile. "Don't worry I'm still yours." He mumbled out moving his head forward despite my hadn't and kissing my lips. "now you're just mine." letting out a shaky breath I nodded, "only if you win."

He smiled releasing his hands from me and walking out the double doors. It was almost his next match. I coughed lightly trying to compose myself and I fixed myself up in the mirror on the wall. I quickly took down my hair and put it back up, pulling the collar of the gi little higher and taking a deep breath I walked back out. Yet that deep breath did nothing as I saw my two best friends on the mat across from each other. Unlike the fight with Kyler, this was a fight I never wanted to see. The two boys were both so small when I met them now Miguel and Eli stood across from each other, not as brothers but as enemies. Instead of rooting for either of them I decided to be selfish and root for the match getting canceled and both of them lose. 

"where were you?" Robbie asked. I shrugged my eyes fixated on the mat in front of me. Memories of me and hawk fighting at our first match came flooding back into my head and I hoped neither of them ended up like me. I watched as they bowed to each other. No matter what team I was on or could have been on, I still wouldn't know who to root for.

I couldn't help but grab Robbys bicep as the match started as I watched with constant worry on my face. Something I'm sure he had never seen before, "You okay?" he leaned down and whispered. "god I hate karate." I muttered as I watched the two boys fight yet they were very evenly matched. Only blocked hits were made and it just made me even more worried for when one of them got hit. 

Miguel jumped in the air, spinning around to kick Eli. I held my breath waiting for Eli to fall to the ground yet It was the opposite. Miguel was on the ground crying out in pain, my hand went to my mouth. 

Medic was called and my dad rushed onto the mat. 

I Didn't know a lot about what happen to Miguel last school year but I knew that this was defiantly something to do with that. I wondered if this is what happened to me when I was on the ground. I watched with fearful eyes as Miguel was carried away to the medical room, my dad and Miguels family following. They announced the 30 minute recovery time allowed too Miguel and the next fight was being set up, robby and Demetri. My worries for a split second were put on Demetri and while I was walking over to the doors to follow Miguel, I leaned over to Demetris ear. "Make him pay Peteri." I muttered before jogging out the doors. 

A medic was walking back towards the gym and I stopped her, "hey, is he okay?" I asked. She nodded, "he'll be fine." She reassured me. I nodded, watching as my dad walked into the room. I sighed knowing my fight was up next and I had to get back in. I jogged back to my side of the mat, staring out at the end of Demetri and Robbys fight. "Don't let it phase you." Grandpa said putting his hand on my shoulder. "you win this fight, you're on to the finals." I blinked a few times trying to regain focus on the prize at stake. The prize I wasn't sure but I was sure as hell going to win. 

I won the fight easy, 3-1 and I was there. I was at the finals. 

I was one fight away from holding that trophy up and telling my dad to suck it because guess what I never needed him. All those times he was never there, i didn't need him there. I had kreese and that's all I needed. 

Yet as the clock counted back from 60 seconds and the smile on my grandpas face grew a little bigger with every click, I want sure if I needed him either. Realization hit me as I stared up at him.  The smile on his face as the clock hit zero was big enough for a comedy show. Grandpa kreese didn't care about me. he never ddi, he only ever cared about my dad. For as long s I can remember all my memories about my grandpa had always involved my dad, things he filled in for. At the end of the night he would always remind me that dad wasn't here, that dad didn't care, that he cared. I'd always believe it too, up until I moved in with my dad and grandpa disappeared for a while. From the guardianship papers to school fights it seemed to all be planned out. I always owed my grandpa some thing, he made sure of that. 

Suddenly the man next to me was a stranger and the impact of all my actions hit me at once leaving me feeling guilty. I was fighting to earn the respect and love from someone who I had never got that from. He really was using me  to beat my dad the same way my dad would have used me to beat him. He was no better than my shitty father because he made my father shitty. I looked across the mat at my dad and made eye contact with him. My lip trembled ever so slightly but he saw it and quickly made his way to our side of the mat. I walked behind the row off cobras and before I could say anything, dad put his arms around me hugging me tight. I hugged back burring my head in his gi, crying lightly. "i'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I chanted into his chest. Dad hugged me tighter, "Its okay. I'm sorry." he muttered out a strain of apologies also. "excuse you." I heard silver say and I pulled away from my dad but not leaving him. "Can I help you?" Dad shook his head at the man, "talking to my daughter, it doesn't concern you." Dad stated. "the uh, fights about to start." I muttered pulling away and taking my place next to silver. "ill see you after." Dads face broke little bit I think but he nodded and walked back to his side.

"Don't tell me you are second guessing yourself." Silver asked stepping in front of me as I tried to walk back into line . I rolled my eyes at him wiping my face from any stray tears. "Stay out of my way old man." I huffed pushing past him and standing back in line, ignoring the stare of robby next to me."I cant tell where your heads at." Robby stated.

I ignored his words looking straight ahead at Eli who gave me a slow nod, "give me a good show Robby"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2022 ⏰

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