Chapter 1

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Miles put his pencil back into his bag as he examined the drawing he just made. He smiled to himself as he looked at his drawing of Gwen. He missed her quite a bit, and really wanted too see her.

He put his notebook back into his bag as he took in a deep breath of the night air, and looked at the streets below, waiting for crime to happen. His phone started ringing, and he answered the call.

"Hey son, how's school going?" His father asked.

"Oh it's good, y'know, just studying right now." Miles said as he sat back down on the building he was on top of, dangling his feet over the edge. He chuckled to himself silently.

"Oh you're studying?" Jefferson asked. Miles sat there confused. "Uh, yeah?"

"Well then , why not open the door that I've been knocking on for 5 minutes?" He asked annoyed. Oh shoot.

"Uh, oh I'm not studying at my dorm right now, I'm studying with friends." He recovered, wiping his forehead. Jefferson sighed, and Miles heard him begin to walk away.

"Well I slipped something under you're door, just take a look at it when you get back." His father said. "Alright pops, catch you later." Miles said, slipping on his mask.

"Love you son, stay safe."

"Love you too dad." Miles said putting his book bag on next. "By the way, I found some stickers on 23rd street, do you know anyt-"

"Gotta go, bye!" Miles said quickly, ending the call. He chuckled and started swinging back to his dorm, hoping to see someone doing something bad along the way. To his luck, he did.

Three guys surrounded a woman in an alley way, and were attempting to make grabbing motions at her.

"Come on lady, you might as well come peacefully. It'll make it a lot easier for you." One guy said. A small thump was heard behind them.

"It would be easier if you just left her alone." Miles said, sticking to a wall behind them. The crooks turned around to look at him.

"Well, come at us then, Spider-Man." The guy said chuckling. Miles rolled his eyes.

"You think criminals would learn by now." He pushed off the wall, landing a kick to one of them. He then shot a web at one of their hands, getting them stuck to the wall. He dodged a punch and dropped low to sweep the guys feet out. He shot a couple webs, keeping the man stuck to the ground. He turned his head and caught a punch from the man who was talking in the first place.

"Now, you can stop this and wait for the cops, or I can web you to a wall. You're choice." Miles said grinning. The man then threw another punch which Miles caught. "Alright then." He shrugged then sent out a stream of webs. Pinning him to the wall. Sirens could be heard in the background, as the woman called the cops.

"I'm gonna get you Spider-Man. You and everyone you have ever loved. Mark my wo-." He was cut off by miles shooting a web at his mouth. "Shut up man." A police car rode up, and two officers got out, which the women ran up to. She talked with them about what happened as one officer approached Spider-Man. It was his dad.


"Well then. Thank you once again Spider-Man." Jefferson said.

"No problem sir." Miles said back in a Brooklyn accent. Jefferson shook his head.

"I still don't agree with you're methods, you know. You vigilante types." He said. Miles chuckled and waved goodbye.

"See you later officer." He swung away grinning to himself.

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