Chapter 7

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(This is Andrew Peter btw, and the venom from the recent movies)

"Listen Eddie, I just want to talk!" Peter said, springing off of a wall as concrete was thrown at him.

They were fighting in a parking garage, with Peter trying to get help from venom.

"You can speak to me, VENOM, when you're ass is in my stomach!" Venom shouted back. The face dissolved on one side for a moment.

"That's not technically how it works but-." "Shut up Eddie!" Venom shouted back at him, taking his face back over.

"Okay then Venom, I need your help, Morbius is still good. I know it!" He said with determination, pinning venom down with his webs.

"I don't care if he's good or not! The fuc#er tried to eat me! Or suck my blood out which is arguably worse!" Venom shouted back, struggling to break the webs.

"You know you should really listen to your friend. In most universes Morbius does turn into a, how do I put this, anti-hero like yourself." A voice said, and a man walked up from the stairs next to them.

"Now Peter, I need your help." He said, turning to Peter.

"I'm sorry, who the hell are you?" Eddie asked, coming out of his venom form.

"Well that's Miguel, and she's Gwen. Also I'm Miles, nice to meet you." Miles stated coming up the same staircase as Miguel. Gwen followed closely behind. Peter just stood there stunned for a moment.

"Okay, what is going on? This is even weirder then when I was transported to another dimension." Peter asked, looking around confused.

"Yeah I know, it's some weird stuff man. But you know, that's some basic Spider-Man stuff." Young Peter said, swinging through the opening in between the two floors of the parking garage.

"Peter 1!" Peter said as he walked over and the two embraced.

"Why couldn't we just do that?" Gwen asked, turning to Miguel. He shrugged. Eddie broke the web that was holding him down.

"We were in the middle of something!" The symbiote said, his head poking out of eddies body, holding on by its black veins.

"Okay, what is that!" Miles asked taking a step back. Peter rolled his eyes.

"This is Venom. He's a symbiote from space who attached onto Eddies body. Normally this would be a bad thing and I'd stop them, but he usually does the right thing." Peter replied slightly annoyed at the thought of him.

"Hey! We still do bad things! I'm still evil!" Venom barked back angrily,

"No we're not, when's the last time we did something bad? Huh!" Eddie said back. The two started arguing, and started fighting each other. Miles and Gwen looked on with confused faces.

"This keeps getting weirder. But hey! You got to fight that alien you wanted to fight." Young Peter said. Peter smiled at that and nodded.

"Well as Miguel said earlier, we need your help." Miles spoke up, getting out of his trance, and taking off his mask. Gwen nodded.

"It's a bit of a crisis." Gwen sighed, taking off her mask. Peter looked at her horrified.

"Gwen? No no NO. This isn't happening!" Peter said distraught, slapping himself. He was upset and ran his hand through his hair.

"Okay?" Gwen responded confusedly. Young Peter realized, remembering back to his time spent with Peter.

"You were the love of my life. I dropped everything for you. I was going to follow you to London if I had too. But then-." Peter cut himself off to look outside.

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