Chapter 12

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"This future tech is amazing!" Miguel said star struck, looking around at all of the tech parts laying in front of him. Peni chuckled and stepped out of her robot.

The two swung back to Peni's and got to work after a snack break. Peni gave Miguel her watch after her two hours were up.

"Come on, this shouldn't take too long to reconstruct your watch. We can just analyze my watch and with the help of my robot, we should be able to finish up your new one within the hour." Miguel nodded and looked around the rest of her garage.

"This is bigger then the average garage." Miguel observed. He ran his hand through his dark hair as he spotted a picture frame on a work bench.

"Yeah, it was my dads. He spent more time out here then in the actual house." Peni replied, chuckling to herself. Miguel picked up the picture frame.

"Is this him?" He asked, pointing to a man in the picture. A small smile grew on Peni's face, and she nodded.

"Yeah. That was the day he finished building my robot. He was so happy when he showed it to me." The smile on her face vanished and a dark look crossed her face.

"Then the next day... you know." Miguel nodded and she sighed.

"Sorry about your father Peni." She thanked him and continued working.

"So what else can you tell me that's special about your watch?" Peni asked, trying to change the conversation.

"My watch is a master watch. Since I've been the most places, I can give you guys my universe list, and block travel to the really bad ones." Miguel explained, continuing to explore the massive garage.

"I also know everyone's location, and can call them back to me in case they go AWOL." He added, sitting down in a chair next to Peni.

"Would you mind getting started on a new server?" She pressed a button in her robot, and Miguel's chair slid away and a computer came out of the wall in front of him.

"This tech is crazy."

Around two hours passed by and Miguel's new watched was complete. Instead of being a silver colour the made it pure black to stand out against the others.

"The server is almost done." Peni said, continuing to type into her keyboard. "I've also fixed up some issues in your programming. Coms should be up... Now." She pressed the lsat key, and a red light popped up on his watch.

"That light means it is. I'm sending out a group call." He pressed a couple buttons on his watch.

"Hello? Can you hear me? Is this working?" Miguel asked into his watch. A face appeared.

"Peni it works! How you doing... Narya?" Miguel trailed off and looked at her confused. She nodded and Peni came over to look.

"It's fine Miguel, me and her are friends now!" Peter B announced, his face coming into the screen, squished into Narya's.

"I wouldn't say that." She replied annoyed.

"Is it just you two? Are you okay?" Miguel questioned. Peter B nodded in response.

"I think we have another mission to add to our plates..." Peter trailed off. Dr Strange and young Peter appeared on Miguels screen next.

"Miguel, there's something else we need to do now." Dr Strange said. Miguel looked at him confused.

"Peter B just said the same thing." He commented. He looked at them confused. The screen panned over to show Shaman.

"Shaman! What have you done to them!" Miguel asked angrily. Dr Strange shook his head.

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