Chapter 2

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"Whoaaaa." Miles said, as he tumbled through the space between worlds. He chuckled to himself.

"I am so glad I wrote those universes down." Miles said as he shot through his path.

At the collider incident

"Do I get to like the hairdo now?" Miles asked, causing Gwen to laugh.

"You know I'm older than you. Fifteen months, but it's pretty significant if you ask me." She responded.

"Well, Einstein said time was relative, right?" Miles said back. Gwen chuckled. "Nice." She turned away, uncomfortable with the moment. Miles held out his hand.

"Friends?" Gwen smiled and grabbed it.

"Friends." She smiled at him "Cool."

"See you around Spider-Man." She jumped off the wall elegantly towards the portal. Miles smiled and looked at the control panel. He read "Earth-65." Before it turned to "Earth-616"

"Your turn."


Miles chuckled as he continued to blast throughly the great web. He looked ahead and saw a portal finally opening. He saw the lights as shot towards it. The only issue is that he did not slow down as he went through the portal.

"Oh shoot, oh shoot." He said as he was hurled off the top of a building. It took him a second to realize he was falling. By the time he realized though, he was suspended in the air. He was breathing heavily as he looked up at the white and black figure that was holding him.

The face softened through the mask in realization and Miles could tell the face underneath was smiling.

"Miles?" Gwen asked. Miles grinned and nodded. She pulled him up and embraced him. He was taken aback by the gesture at first, but returned it after a moment.

"Hey Gwanda." She then separated from him quickly realizing what she just did, and the two bumped fists.

"How did you get here?" She asked, now confused. Miles held up his wrist and showed her the universe hopper.

"Well some dude came through a portal in my room and gave me this. Peter was there too, but I didn't get too much of a chance to talk to him." Miles responded, still smiling. Gwen still looked confused.

"So why are you here then?" She asked. Miles rubbed the back of his head.

"Well when he gave me the thing I learned how to use it then took off for here. I wrote down what universe you were in at the collider, and used it to get here." Miles said embarrassed. Gwen let out a chuckle, showing the gap in her teeth that miles loved. He then noticed that she had changed since they seen each other last. Her hair had grown out a bit more and had a streak of pink at the bottom on one side. She still had the other side shaved down from when he got his hand stuck there. She was more developed as well, but Miles didn't notice it as much.

Gwen was also taking in how much Miles had changed. His hair was still the same, but a little longer on the top. He had a little bit of facial hair on his chin, and was a lot more muscular than the last time she saw him.

"Do I get to like the hairdo now?" Miles asked. Gwen chuckled at the comment.

They both looked at each other's eyes and smiled. That was until Miles stumbled back from being hit in the head by a book. He realized it was his notebook, and scrambled to grab it, but Gwen snatched it with a web and examined it.

"So this is you're sketchbook? How'd it get here." Gwen asked confused after seeing his name on the front. She flipped through the pages and smiled to herself. She raised an eyebrow at him while he scrambled through words looking for a good excuse to why there were so many drawings of her.

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