Chapter 14

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"OH CMON." Noir shouted as he let go of Peter and Gwen who were helping him up.

Gwen looked out over the fight with wide eyes. There was about 12 villains fighting the 4 people on their side. Dr Strange and Shaman were both handling three each, clearly struggling. The two spidermen were mostly dodging the other 6, while taking turns getting a hit in. The city area around them was a mess. Harlem was wrecked to pieces with buildings crumbling and some on fire.

"Let's get into this fight ladies!" Noir said raising his hand. He winced in pain and grabbed his stomach.

"Noir, we'll handle this. You need to rest, you clearly aren't in fighting shape." Gwen said. Gwen 2 nodded in agreement. He shook his head in response.

"I'm joining this ballroom dance injured or healthy as my barbershop quartet. It's part of the job." Noir responded, standing up straight in defiance. Gwen sighed as she watched the three swing into action. A portal opened up beside her and Peter B, Peni, Miguel, and Narya stepped out.

"What the hell happened here?!?" Miguel asked, swinging into action, Peni following close behind. Narya looked at Peter B and shrugged, before turning into an eagle and flying into action.

"What the fu-."

"Woah, language young lady!" Peter B responded with his hands up. Gwen rolled her eyes.

"When did you become a dad? And sorry, but when a lady magically turns into a bird then flies away-, oh she's a polar bear now, I get a little surprised." She responded. Peter B smirked.

"Found out this morning over breakfast." He responded, smiling. Gwen smiled and congratulated him. "But nows not the time, let's get into this fight."

The two finally joined in on the fight, making the much better odds of 12 v 12. Dr Strange and shaman were fighting a much larger form of goblin, looking like a monster, and the vulture.

Goblin grabbed strange with his claws, while he was distracted fighting vulture. Goblin went to rip his head off with his mighty teeth, before getting nailed by a beam from shaman. Strange then opened a sling ring under neath him, cutting it off early. This caused the goblins arm to be sliced off, and fall off the building. Shaman shot a beam at vulture next, destroying his wings, sending him plummeting to the ground.

The two looked at each other and nodded.

Noir and tombstone were fighting below, trading swing for swing. Noir got nailed in the side, getting launched into the building behind him.

"Y'aren't packing a punch like you did a year ago detective." He said walking up to him. "Are you hurt?" He asked, stepping on noir's stomach. Noir cried out in pain as he flailed around.

Tombstone took a step back and pulled out his pistol. He scoffed as he looked at noir attempting to stand up. He pointed the gun at noir.

"Nice fight, spiderma-." He got cut off as a giant clawed hand landed on top of him. He groaned and slowly pushed it off of himself. He turned his neck to the side cracking it, with an annoyed look.

"As I was saying, nice fig-." He was cut off once again as the vulture came down in a blur hitting tombstone, knocking the two 15 feet away. The vulture was knocked out cold on top of tombstone.

His wings began to screech, signifying they were going to blow. Tombstone panicked, attempting to move an unconscious vulture off of him, but was not quick enough. The explosion occurred, and noir shielded himself.

"There's more where that came from buster." He said. He stayed seated against the wall breathing heavily.

Young Peter and new miles were fighting a huge bulked up monster.

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