Chapter 5

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"Whoa, you're like me!" Peter said excitedly. The two smiled and nodded as they helped strange and Peter up.

"So what's you're name?" Gwen asked.

"Well I'm Peter Parker, and this here is Dr Steven Strange."

"Another Peter, that's gonna get confusing." Miles said shaking his head. "Another one?" Peter asked confused.

"Well basically, we are from a different dimension, well two different dimensions anyways." He paused gesturing between him and Gwen.

"And that guy has been hunting down all the spider people across the multiverse." Miles finished, looking at the two.

"So he's hunting down people spread out across the multiverse. This is not good, not good at all." Strange said, and his head perked up. "I sense 5 more beings coming through a portal." He said getting into a battle stance.

Miles looked at Gwen. "Oh no. This isn't going to be good." He said as portal opened and the five spider people walked out. Peter looked at the new people with his eyes wide open.

"Of all the stupid, idiotic things you can do." Miguel said walking up to Miles making him stumble. "You rush into a fight blindly, with no backup, and take on a person who has been hunting down our kind." Miguel angrily said.

"Yeah but-." Miles was cut off. "No buts. Next time we go into a fight, you two are staying back at my earth and I will lock you out of you're hoppers." He said sternly.

"Why me too? That's bull-." Gwen was cut off.

"You too, you didn't protest when Miles dragged your through a portal." He said, flustered. "Now where is this threat?"

"We dealt with it." Miles said confidently. "Really?" Miguel said skeptical.

"Yeah he said his name was uh... What was it again?" Miles asked, turning to Gwen.

"Dr. Doom."

"Right Dr Doom. We beat him, saved these two, and he teleported away." Miles finished, looking around proudly.

"Oh no... This is not good." Peter B. said looking at the floor.

"I'm sorry, what is happening?" Strange spoke up. Miguel turned and noticed him for the first time.

"Who are you?" Miguel asked.

"Doctor Steven Strange, sorcerer supreme. And right now you are tresp-." Peter cut him off.

"Well technically Wong is." He chimed in. Strange shoed him away.

"That's on a technicality, fact of the matter is this isn't you're dimension. You'll need to leave." Strange said.

"Why so serious? Can't we all just get along?" Spider ham spoke for the first time. Strange looked down confused.

"What is that?" Miles chuckled.

"That would be Spider ham, otherwise known as Peter Porker." Strange and Peter looked at him like he was crazy.

"Getting back on topic, how about we go sit down, get a burger and talk this out." Peter B said, stomach rumbling.

"Always thinking with you're stomach." Gwen said shaking her head. Dr Strange rolled his eyes.



"And yeah." Peter B said, finishing his burger. "That's what's going on across the multiverse, and also how we met for the first time. Hey you gonna finish that?" Peter B said speaking to Peter of this universe. Peter shook his head as he tried to wrap his mind around everything that happened.

Take the Leap (Into the spiderverse fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now