Chapter 8

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"This mistake doesn't seem like a bad one." Young Peter commented, watching new Gwen and College Peter carry on and laugh together. Miles nodded.

"So you said you've met him before? What was that like?" Gwen asked, young Peter shrugged and turned to look at her.

"It was nice to have him there with me. I messed up one of Strange's spells, and a lot of villains were brought to my universe." He paused for a moment to glance over at Dr strange speaking with spider ham.

"I wanted to save them and turn them back to normal, but strange wanted to send them back to where the came from and die. We had this big fight and I sorta trapped him in the mirror dimentia." A sly smile came across his face.

"He was hanging over the Grand Canyon for 18 hours. Anyways I tried to fix them, and long story short my aunt may died. But the two peters who were transported to my universe helped me through it. College Peter was pretty helpful with it." Young Peter finished scratching his nose.

"So do you have anyone back where you are from?" Miles asked. A small sad smile came across young peters face.

"Well there was MJ and Ned. Me and MJ were in love, and neds been my best friend for years. But they don't remember me either. It's been hard trying to be this friendly Spider-Man, when I don't even have anything to keep me grounded." He sighed, and got up to speak to strange.

"He has lost so much. Our losses and grief are bad enough. I can't even imagine why he's going through right now." Miles kept his stare on Young Peter as he said this.

"Yeah, I feel for the guy." Gwen agreed nodding. They heard Miguel sigh frustrated as he walked away from Peter B and Noir.

"What's wrong Miguel?" Gwen inquired as he passed them. He shook his head and messed around with his watch.

"Im happy that College Peter and the other Gwen get to see each other, I am. But their love might end up getting others killed when we face doom." He pulled up a portal next to them.

"Miles there are some issues in your world right now. Nothing big, just a string of robberies and minor disturbances. You and Gwen can go back and deal with that." He scanned around the room.

"You can take Eddie and Peni with you. If anything happens, call immediately. And be quick!" He said sternly.

"Works for me." Miles shrugged, and Gwen nodded. "Eddie, Peni! Your up." Miguel called them over.

"See you in a bit Miles. You also need to speak with you're dad when you get there." Peter B said coming up to them. Miles smiled back, and the group of four took off into the portal.


"Do you even know what your going to say to him?" Gwen asked, as she and Miles were sitting on a rooftop listening to a police radio line.

Miles sighed and looked at the street below. He shook his head as he admired the lights underneath him.

"He's going to be mad at me, I know that much. More for being gone for these past couple days, and missing school." He smirked and Gwen let out a small laugh.

"You'll be fine Miles." She replied reassuringly. The two looked at each other smiling for a bit.

"So uh, what's the plan exactly?" Eddie asked interrupting them. Gwen rolled her eyes and Miles turned to look at him.

"You ruined a moment! Let these two have some time together! This is like the third time I've seen that this has happened!" Peni scolded. Miles stated mouth agape, and Gwen smirked.

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