Chapter 15

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"Hello, Spider-Man." Doom said, not looking at anyone in particular.

"Me? Him? Her?" Everyone but Miles and Gwen said in unison, pointing at one another. Doom shook his head.

"You people are pretty easy to track down, since you all move in large groups." Miguel's eyes widened as he started mentally punching himself for not taking that into consideration.

"What do you want with us? Why SPECIFICALLY spidermen?" Peter B asked, emphasizing. Doom smirked.

"I've killed other hero's and drained their life force. Thors felt wonderful. But spiders?" He paused as he took in a deep breath. "It's rejuvenating. It's as if I took every drug at the same time from every universe. So now like a druggie, I'm hooked. You are what I want. Specifically you." Doom monologued, before pointing at Miles.


"What do you want with him?!?" Gwen replied angrily, attempting to get up and out of Miles grip. He held her back as he took a moment to think.

"He's special, compared to you lot. Spiders that simply have no other powers aside from grip and strength and sixth sense feel amazing. Ones that have the capability to release and gather electricity feel even better." He chuckled to himself for a moment before continuing. "Invisibility, however? I haven't encountered a single spider that can use that. Let alone also wield electricity on top of that for dessert. I can only imagine what you'll feel like."

"So you are using him to get high? That's why you've done all of this?" College Peter asked. Doom scowled at that.

"I also gain strength from this. The more spiders I kill, the more powerful I am. When I become an unstoppable force I'll be claiming what's rightfully mine." Doom responded , staring miles down.

"And what's that?" Miguel asked, a little shaken.

"The multiverse." Doom finished, with a sinister voice.

"Miles, you need to go." Gwen whispered, trying to get his attention.

Miles had remained silent, staring off into space. He's the reason all of these spiders were being hunted. He's the reason all of these innocent civilians and people have been killed. He's the reason why Gwen's life was in danger. He felt a darkness take over him.

"I'm gonna kill you." Miles said, hatred in his voice. He gently laid Gwen on the ground. Doom cackled.

"Miles, this is what he wants. You need to take Gwen, and leave. We got this." Peter B said calmly, trying to look into the eyes of miles.

Miles clenched his fist as he kept his eyes trained to the ground.

"I'm sorry Peter, but I have to deal with this!" Miles stated, taken peters hand off and began charging at doom.

Miles jumped with a shout and pulled his fist back as he charged up electricity. Doom sinisterly smiled as he pulled his own hand back.

Doom smacked miles back hard with a backhand, seemingly creating a sonic boom with the hit, electricity going everywhere. Miles was sent flying, crashing behind Gwen.

All of the spiders looked in shock, before charging at him at the same time. Noir stayed back and went to check on miles.

"Kid wake up, Kid!" Noir said in a panic. He gave him a slap across the face and miles came to, grunting.

"What the?!?" Miles exclaimed, looking at the absolute beat down that Dr Doom was handing to the spiders and wizards. He slowly and calmly walked towards where Miles and noir were, deflecting and beating down anyone that attacked him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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