Chapter 9

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(If there's anything you want in the story just pm me, I'll see what I can do).

Moments before the end of the last chapter


"What was that?" Peter B asked. Miguel thought for a moment worried.

"Lyla pull up the compounds front cameras." He said, frantically pressing buttons on his control panel.

The camera's video came up, and two dozen people were seen outside breaking the door down.

"Oh that is not good." Miguel ran his hand through his hair. He took a deep breath and calmed down.

"Okay. These guys are probably coming to arrest me if they have proof of multiverse travel." Miguel stated, pressing some more buttons. A door opened to the side of them.

"That room can fit 4. Stay hidden and don't make a noise." Miguel ushered Noir, young Peter, college peter, and new Gwen into the room before closing the door.

"Peter Porker, into the vent, now!" Miguel said as a red light began beeping.

"Peter B, I have no where else for you to hide. So would you get into the freezer please?" Miguel asked defeated. Peter sighed and got into the freezer, Miguel closed it and unplugged it.

"Can you do some magic stuff to hide please?" Strange nodded and took himself to the mirror dimension.

"Miguel! Send a message to Miles!" A muffled Peter B shouted. Miguel fumbled with his watch.

"Guys, I need you to not come back for awhile. I'll call you when it's safe." He said into his watch.

"Coms are down Miguel." Lyla appeared next to him.

"Did that message get through though?" Miguel asked. She nodded. "Most of it did, so you should be fine. They'll be coming through that door in about twenty seconds." Lyla responded.

"I'm surprised it took them so long." Miguel mentioned as he sat down in a chair.

"It is a big compound." Lyla said shrugging. Miguel nodded and the door bursted open. Two dozen officers bursted into the room with guns pointed at him. Miguel took a sip of water as he looked at them.

"If you knocked I would've let you in." Miguel said to them, getting stern stares back.

"O'Hara, I know what you've been doing." A man said coming in.

"Oh great, Jimmy's here." Miguel rolled his eyes. Jimmy took a few steps towards him.

"Miguel, we have a warrant to search this place, and potentially arrest you. You're being suspected of multiversal travel." Jimmy said, looking around the room for anything that stood out.

"You aren't going to find anything Jimmy. I would've thought that I've had to deal with you enough by this point." Miguel finished off his water and slammed the cup back onto the table.

"You realize how lucky you are? You should be in jail for turning yourself into a mutant during this war. The fact that you got off with the excuse of "it was just a failed experiment your honour" was nothing short of a miracle." Jimmy glared at him, staring down his sharp teeth.

"Well that's what happened. Isn't it Lyla?" Miguel asked turning to his hologram friend. She nodded with a smile.

"You aren't going to find anything here Jimmy. Cause I have never, and will never do multiversal travel." Miguel added, leaning back in his chair.

Jimmy looked through the computer that Lyla had wiped. He slammed his fist down in anger and looked to his men.

"Stand down. There isn't anything here." Jimmy commanded defeated. The officers brought their guns down.

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