Chapter 3

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A portal opened and Gwen and Miles fell out of it.

"I have gotta get better at my landings with that thing." Miles said, making Gwen laugh. Gwen was lying on top of Miles, which made him blush.

"Uh, Hey." Miles said deepening his voice at the hey. Gwen laughed.

"It didn't work the first time, what makes you think it'll work this time." Miles laughed and Gwen got off of him. She dusted herself off, and looked around the room.

"This is my dorm room, but you already knew that." Miles said. Gwen nodded and picked up a picture frame on the desk. She smiled to herself looking at it.

"I forgot you also took this picture." She said. Holding up the picture of her and Miles, along with Peter b sleeping in the background. His eyes opened with realization.

"Why is it day time here now? I wasn't in you're universe for that long was I?" Miles looked around frantically grabbing for his phone. He facepalmed and grabbed his book bag.

"You fine with chilling here for the day? I have to go to school." Miles said, going to open the door. "Hey miles?"


"You still have your suit on." Gwen said looking down. Miles realized and rushed to grab his uniform. Gwen laughed and sat down on his bed.

"Yeah sure, I can kick back here for the rest of the da-." Gwen stoped as her spider sense kicked in. She looked at Miles who also reacted to it.

"We should deal with that first, though." Miles said, dropping his uniform and throwing his mask back on. She nodded and the two jumped out the window, following their sense. They came across time square, with people running away screaming. In the middle two people could be seen terrorizing the square.

"That's scorpion and tombstone... they should be in jail right now." Miles said, curiously.

"This is definitely a trap." Miles shrugged and they swung down to the square.

"Drop the guy scorpion." Miles demanded as he landed. Scorpion turned around smiling, as he dropped the man, who then scurried away.

"Spider-Man, and spider girl, it's nice to see you again." Tombstone said walking up next to him. Gwen rolled her eyes.

"It's Spider-Woman, actually. People back in my universe are starting to me the ghost spider though, so that would work too." Gwen fired back. Miles turned to look at her.

"Really? That name is so cool." He said like a giddy child. Gwen sighed.

"Not the time, Spider-Man." She said, annoyed.

"Hey Muchacho. Ven y pelea conmigo." Scorpion said, and the two sides sprung into action.

Miles began fighting tombstone, while Gwen took on scorpion. Miles webbed his guns away and kicked him in the face.

"Keep it even, why don't you?" Miles said. Tombstone began throwing punches, which Miles dodged easily.

Gwen gracefully leaped over scorpion and began shooting webs at his tail and legs. This did nothing however and he ripped them off. He swiped his tail at Gwen which she blissfully dodged.

"Hey Spider-Man!" She shouted. Miles dodged another punch. "Yeah?" He shouted back.

"Switch!" She shot a web at him, which he grabbed and the two flung each other at the others opponent. Both getting a nasty kick to the head. Tombstone quickly landed a blow in Gwens side, which sent her flying. She hit a building and sat dazed for a moment.

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