Chapter 10

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Miles picked himself up off the ground, and looked at his watch. He heard a groan behind him and saw college peter.

"Aye, you good?" Miles asked. College Peter nodded and stood up.

"I think he meant to send everyone to the same universe, but that guy messed it up when he shot Miguel's watch." College Peter said, scanning around his nearby surroundings.

"Is it only the two of us that landed here?" Miles asked, college Peter shrugged and looked around the rooftop to see nobody.

"I'm here." Eddie moaned as he staggered to his feet. Miles rolled his eyes at the sight.

"How do I keep getting stuck with the alien dude." He complained. Eddie shrugged and jumped to their rooftop.

"Come on Miles, we're becoming best friends." Venom said, popping out of eddies chest. "Sure we are."

"What dimension are we in?" Peter asked as he looked at the street below. Miles looked as he watch and groaned.

"We landed in Gwens dimension. Gwen is currently a fugitive for a crime she did not commit." Miles scanned the street below and seen a billboard with his mask on it.

"And now I'm a target too." He said gesturing at the board. The other two with him peered at the board and saw miles on it.

"Peter, this could be a problem for you as well, since you are a spider person. Eddie, you'll be fine as long as venom stays in." Miles added checking his bag.

"All we have to do is stay out of the public eye, how hard can that be?" Peter asked.

A light glared at them and illuminated the whole rooftop from the building next to them, and multiple people were staring at them, and taking photos.

"You have gotta be kidding me." Miles asked with a dead panned tone. Peter shook his head and grabbed Miles arm.

"Let's get going. Eddie meet us behind the Empire State Building." Peter told him, and the two spiders swung off, leaving Eddie standing confused for a moment.

"What the fu%k just happened?" Venom asked Eddie.

"I have absolutely no clue."


Gwen shot out of the portal, and slid to a stop on the rooftop she was on. She took her mask down and messed with her watch, but it wouldn't turn on.

Another portal opened up and the new Gwen fell out, landing the same way Gwen did.

"Nice landing!" Gwen said as new Gwen skid to a stop.

"Thanks Gwen!" New Gwen said back. The two high fived and looked around the earth they were on.

"This is the earth Miles is from. It looks like it's just the two of us." Gwen said looking around.

"I'm here too." Noir chimed in behind them. He was still lying on the ground from his face plant.

"Are you good Noir?" Gwen asked in concern. He lifted a thumbs up.

"All good, thanks for the concern Gwen." He said getting up to his feet.

"I didn't say anything?" New Gwen asked. Noir rolled his eyes and looked at the two.

"Gwen who is a mirror version of college peter? You are now Gwen 2. The issue is now solved for good." Noir stated, staring Gwen 2 down. Both Gwens looked at each other and nodded.

"Well, our coms seem to be down. But by the looks of it, our atoms are still stable, since the green light is still on." Gwen commented, holding her watch up. The other two nodded.

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