Chapter 6

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(A/N: I'm barely going to do these notes, but let it be known I have read very little of the comics and my knowledge of dr doom is minimal. Enjoy.)

"Hello news lady." Miles greeted through his phone. He had decided not too have a massive press conference, but more of a FaceTime interview instead.

"Good day Spider-Man, I'm hoping your feeling better?" The reporter responded.

He looked over at the surrounding roof tops, seeing Peter and Noir scanning the surrounding area. Strange was sitting on a the same roof top as Miles.

"I've been all stitched up and I'm ready to go. Any questions?" He asked.

"How do you feel now that you're identity has been revealed and you are in the spotlight now?" A reporter asked.

"Well, it's nice to not have too keep it hidden from my parents and all. But it's also a bad thing to happen. My friends and family are going to be some what of a target now. I've never been Spider-Man for the attention. I almost didn't end up being Spider-Man at all, the thing that made me realize I was even like Spider-Man was when I ran into Peter Parker before he died." Miles said looking down.

"Who was the other Spider-Woman you were fighting with?"

"Uh." Miles rubbed the back of his neck. "She's not from around here, you won't be seeing much of her."

Strange perked up and stood up quickly, sensing incoming danger. Noir and Peter both got into battle stances.

"Miles, wrap it up!" Strange said hurriedly. Miles looked at him and nodded.

"Who was that?" The reporter questioned. Miles shook his head and put his mask back on.

"I'm sorry to cut this short ma'am, but I need to head out." Miles said putting his bag on his back.

"Is there something wrong Mr morales?" The reporter responded.

"Nothing wrong, I just gotta-."

Miles spider sense went off, and he flipped out of the way, just in time for him to dodge a bomb that his the building behind him.



He dropped his phone and could hear the reporter asking more questions, but Miles was focused on a man in a green suit flying on a glider.

"Hello Miles, I don't believe we've been introduced. Some people call me the green goblin where I'm from. But you can just call me you're demise!"

Goblin threw three bombs at miles, but strange up and sling ringed them away.

"Open a portal right now! There is more than one." Strange said hurriedly. Miles began to fumble with his watch until a metal arm reached out and grabbed it.

"Hello Miles, did you miss me?" Olivia said, coming up onto the rooftop and charging at Miles. He internally groaned, knowing this would be a long fight.

"GOBLIN!" Peter shouted from his rooftop. The masked man turned to face Peter. "Why hello Peter." Goblin responded.

"I thought I fixed you! What are you doing here?" Peter shouted. He paused for a moment and realized. "Never mind, you're from a different universe, right." Goblin laughed.

"You fool! I'm the same person you fought on the Statue of Liberty. After I got back to my universe, I instantly put the serum back in my veins. You know the one that killed you're aunt may?" Goblin shouted back. Peter shouted angrily and swung at him.

"I'm on the way Miles!" Noir shouted as he jumped off towards his friend.

"I don't think so." Noir was knocked out of the air and sent into a building. He got up, feeling the electricity course through his body for a moment.

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