Chapter 11

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"Now you wanna tell me a bit about yourself?" Peter B asked, leaning into his chair.

The two had made their way to Peters apartment, and Narya had met MJ. They were just finishing up breakfast when MJ left for work.

"What is there to tell?" She replied. Narya crossed her arms as the two stared at each other.

"I'm assuming you are Native American, based on what you look like?" Peter asked, she rolled her eyes.

"Canadian. I was born in the Northwest Territories, which eventually became Nunavut." She corrected. Peter nodded and turned on the TV.

"Do you have any powers?" Peter flipped through the channels and settled on a sports channel.

"I'm an Inuit Demi goddess. I can transform into any animal I want." She held her head high and peered at the TV.

"I'm guessing you like hockey then, cause of your Canadian side." Peter turned the volume up on the tv.

"Why exactly was Miguel being arrested?" Peter finally asked. She sighed and turned her attention to him.

"He was messing with multiversal travelling. The UN made a law banning it after an incident that almost ended our world." She responded, taking a sip of water.

"Why are you working for the American government then?" She sighed annoyed.

"Since when did this become an interrogation? And there's a lot more at play behind the scenes." She asked up in arms. Peter raised his hands in defence.

"Sorry." He apologized and looked at the time. "You'll want to put this on." Peter added, throwing her his watch. She caught it and examined the device.

"I've been in my own dimension for more then two hours, so my atoms are stable by this point." She stared him down.

"And what happens if I don't put it on?" She asked.

She then let out a cry of pain as she glitched. She quickly put the watch on and let out a breath of relief.

"That." Peter said smirking. She glared at him and turned back to the TV.


"So you know that Miguel guy?" New Miles asked. Young Peter nodded. 

The four of them were in the Davis apartment. After explaining the events that happened, they brought Shaman back and tied him to a chair.

"And Peter Parker is also your name too?" The new Peter asked. Young Peter nodded and sat down.

"We have three more back at Miguel's compound." Strange added, and the two new Spider-Men chuckled.

"And that doesn't get confusing?" New Miles asked, young Peter shook his head.

"I didn't say that." He responded, young Peter smirked and pulled up a screen on his watch.

"So I think I figured out what happened." He said, and tapped on the screen a few more times.

"This is Earth-1048. I think this is one of the first places Miguel travelled to. It's in the travel history of the watch, so he has been here before." Young Peter explained. Strange nodded his head and the two new Spider-Men looked at them dumbfounded.

"Can you explain those magic armband thingies?" New Miles asked. Young Peter chuckled and walked over to him.

"These bands let us safely travel from dimension to dimension. We know Miguel was here because of this." Young Peter pulled up a screen and pointed to it.

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