Chapter 4

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"Do I have to do a press release or what? This is the worst part about all this." Miles asked, wincing while the doctor stitched him up. Peter shrugged.

"It can't be that bad kid." He said as he grabbed the tv remote.

"Breaking: Spider-Man identity revealed." A video of the fight started to play. "As you can see here, in an odd fight with prison escapees scorpion and tombstone, and what appears to be another spider, person?" A picture of Gwen in costume came up.

"A wounded Spider-Man, from sustaining a blow earlier in the fight, is picked up off the ground by scorpion. As the video shows, he is struggling to get out of the situation, and scorpion rips off the mask, revealing a teenage boy." Miles groaned at the site and the doctor left, leaving the room to Gwen, Peter, and Miles.

"At least they don't who you are yet." Peter commented while shrugging. Gwen grabbed Miles phone.

"This teenage boy has been revealed to be 15 year-old Miles Morales. A Brooklyn native who attends visions academy. Hopefully we can get an intervi-." Peter turned off the TV.

"Enough of that." He said, rubbing his neck nervously. Miles gave him a deadpanned look and sighed.

"Hey Miles? You might wanna answer this." Gwen said, tossing him his phone. Miles looked at his home screen to find 13 missed calls from his dad, and multiple texts from his dad. "That's weird." Miles said.

"What?" Gwen asked, taking another look at his phone.

"My mom didn't send me a single call or mess-." Miles stopped as the door flung opened.

"Spiderman? Eres Spiderman? Estás en tantos problemas, hijo mío. Vas a desear no haber salido nunca de la cama esta mañana con el grito de culo que viene en tu camino." Rio ranted as she stormed through the door.

(You're spiderman? You are in so much trouble my son. You are going to wish you never crawled out of bed this morning with the ass whooping that is coming you're way)

"Mami, calm down. I know what I'm doing." Miles said trying to reason with her.

"The amount of danger you put yourself in every day? You're lucky your already in the hospital, cause you were going to end up here at the hands of me anyways." She shouted at him.

"Okay, I think we need to calm down here. It's a bit of a tense situation, and I think we should just take a breather." Peter chimed in, taking a step in between the two. Miles leaned over to Gwen.

"Oh, he's gonna regret that one." Rio stared daggers into Peters eyes. She took a step towards him, getting right in his face.

"Who are you? Huh? Are you his loving parents who want their child to stay safe? Are you feeding him and teaching him important life lessons? Ah? Now step out of the way before I move you myself." Rio said. Peter took a step back with his hands up. The spiders watches started beeping, and Gwen took off her mask to examine it. Miguel popped up on everyone's arm, along with images of the other spiders who were waiting on a nearby roof.

"Where the hell did you guys go? I was like two minutes behind you, and now all of you have left our meeting place, and I'm looking down the street at a dead version of this universes scorpion and a picture of miles face on a big screen!" Miguel said angrily.

"Well we came out of the portal and saw Miles and Gwen on the rooftop, inches away from each other's face by the way." Peter said, making Miles groan and Gwen smirk.

"So we rushed him to the hospital. So that's where we are now." He finished. Miguel rubbed his temple and sighed.

"Gwen, why were you and Miles even in this dimension in the first place? We left the two of you in you're dimension." Miguel said, making Gwen shrug.

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