Chapter 13

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"How long until you guys give up on a fighting us?" Miles asked, dodging a punch and kneeing doc ock. He jumped away and landed shot a web at doc's face, which was promptly ripped off.

They had been fighting for a good ten minutes by this point, and Miles was starting to get tired. The helicopter's blinding lights were beginning to bother him as well.

Doc Ock charged at Miles, grabbing the spiders limbs, before sending a strong blow into Miles chest. He was sent flying, crashing into a vehicle that was destroyed from debris.

Miles groaned and got back up while getting into a fighting stance. Miles and Octavious locked eyes and were about to charge at each other, when a massive black blur came crashing down from on top of Doc Ock

"That fu$king hurt!" Venom shouted, getting up and cracking his back.

"That what you get for fighting on the side of a building instead of on the ground!" Peter qwipped, swinging by Venom and landing a kick on the lizards face, knocking him into a building.

He shot a fleury of webs at the dazed reptile, restraining him to the building for the foreseeable future.

"You good Miles?" College Peter asked, walking over to his two companions. He nodded.

"I'm fine, all we gotta deal with now is that." Miles replied, gesturing to the giant red symbiote that landed 50 feet away from him.

"Don't remind me." Venom growled, keeping his eyes on the his alien offspring.

"How do we beat it? Because he's clearly way stronger than you." Miles asked.

"He's not that much stronger than me." Venom shot back, turning to glare at Miles. This made the boy shrug.

"Yeah, because you being a punching bag and getting thrown off a hundred foot building is a great example of your strength." Miles fired back, rolling his eyes. College Peter chuckled.

Carnage let out a ferocious roar, snapping the three out their bickering.

"Symbiotes hate sound, we have to trap him and send massive amounts of sound towards it." College Peter explained, getting into a battle stance.

Miles started scanning for something that could make a loud noise. His eyes stopped on the entrance to the subway.

"Stall him for a minute and bring the fight into the subway tunnel, I have an idea. Venom, block us in their once Peter leads carnage down there." Miles said, before swinging away. The two nodded and charged at Carnage.

Carnage stabbed at Venom, but Peter pulled the arm back. Venom stabbed through Carnage with his own blade arm, and the beast let out a piercing cry. Carnage pulled his arm back with force, launching Peter with it. He then grabbed Venoms arm and pulled it out of his abdomen, head butting Venom at the same time.

Venom and Carnage began exchanging and dodging blows, trading one for one, almost moving in sync. Carnage was faster though, and eventually overwhelmed Venom.

He launched Venom back, and was about to continue his onslaught until a swift kick caught him in the head.

"You know, you're starting to get on my nerves." College Peter said, landing in front of the subway tunnel.

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU SPIDER!" Carnage shouted, pouncing at Peter.

"Catch me if you can, you leech!" Peter ran down the stairs with carnage hot on his tail. He jumped over turnstile, running down to the train platform.

Unlike Peter, Carnage tanked through the turnstile, ripping it out of the ground. Peter jumped over the track that separated the two sides of the platform, and Carnage reached out to grab him.

His hand was about to grip onto Peters foot, when it recoiled back and grabbed the aliens head.

Carnage fell to the floor crying out in pain, as loud feedback was coming through the P.A. system on the platform. The symbiote began to separate from its host body, and the black roots were slowly prying off of the man.

The black sludge kept vibrating as it shrank and broke away from the person, and the sound stopped.

Miles came out of no where and trapped the symbiote in a glass cup.

"And that's that." Miles said, letting out a huff of air. Peter nodded and looked past miles to observe the train platform.

"The funny thing about all this dimension travel is the small differences." Peter paused and smiled.

"What's different about your universe?" Miles asked while looking over his shoulder.

"Those turnstiles are usually not ripped out of the ground and thrown on the tracks." He replied, and the two laughed.


Gwen swung away from Olivia Octavious. The two had been fighting for a some time.

"You are a massive pain in the ass, you know that?" Gwen spit out, as she blocked an arm.

"Well honey." Olivia grabbed Gwen in one of her claws. "I'm about to show you a lot more then." Gwen braces herself as a clawed fist headed for her head.

But the pain never came. Gwen opened her eyes to see the claw stuck in place.

"What the?"

"Take that octopus lady!" Young Peter says, swinging in and kicking her in the head. Gwen managed to wiggle out the crushing grip and jumped over to Olivia.

She smiled a wicked smile as she slowly turned to face them. "More pain to give out, AHAHAHA." She laughed a wicked laugh, and Gwen and Peter lunged at her.

Gwen 2 casually dodged all the punches that were being sent her way by scorpion.

"If you haven't hit me yet, why keep trying?" She asked. Scorpion grunted with frustration, and tried again.

"God you villains never learn." Gwen 2 sidestepped, grabbed scorpions arm, pained him over her shoulder, webbed him up then knocked him out. She wiped her hands and looked over at noir. He was unconscious from fighting another version of the vulture. She sighed and swung over to help him.

Young Peter and Gwen both landed on the ground next to each other after be found away by Olivia. Gwen breathed heavily.

"What are we gonna do? She counters us to much." She asked. Young Peter looked down for a moment and thought. He looked up at Gwen.

"Have you ever watched the Empire strikes back?" He asked.

"Uh, what's that?" Gwen asked, confused.

"Well basically, we need to wrap our webs around her enough to take her down. So I'll go around one way and you go around the other. Then after that, we'll go ahead and take her out. And since she's all webbed up it'll be a breeze."

"Sounds smart! All right let's-." She stopped and her face dropped.

"Yeah, smart idea. In the time it took you to tell you're plan, I had already taken her out." Gwen 2 said, standing on top of an unconscious Olivia.

"Uh, well then." Peter said, scratching his head.

"Cmon, grab noir and let's meet up with the others." Gwen 2 said.

"Let's go to the universe I landed in, we didn't have any trouble there." Young Peter said.

Both Gwens nodded and Peter helped up Noir. Gwen set the portal up and they headed for the dimension.

As they walked out of the portal, they stood shocked, looking at an all out war zone.

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