1. Introductions

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Hey, this is my first story. I'm from Norway, so if anything is misspelled, I'm sorry about that. So, the first part excplains a little names and something about the creatures. Enjoy :D


No one P.O.V

Elizabeth, Lizzie, Wolf are a 15 year old werewolf. She lives in a small town outside of London, in the local orphanage. Her parents were killed when she was just a baby. Even though she has no parents, her life has been somewhat normal. Her father was Beta of their pack, before he was killed, and the Alpha was his best friend.

Alpha Rex was not only Alpha over Elizabeth's pack, but the werewolf king, making him the Alpha over all Alphas, and his mate was brutally killed in a vampire raid, so he has no kids, then also no heir. After Elizabeth's parents died, Rex swore to protect her, making her the next in line to become Alpha. This left a smal mark on her neck, a smal A was sitting behind her ear as a tattoo, and as she changed to her wold, the A is prominent on her neck.

Elizabeth's wolf is different from others, she doesn't have the normal brown or grey fur. Her wolf is pure white, with a beautiful black A mark on her neck. Her pure blue eyes able to see straight through you. Her fur colour was rare, only he most powerfull wolves are gifted with white fur, so Elizabeth was destined for greatness.

Elizabeth's human form is nothing like her wolf. Her wavy brown hair reached her middle back and her green eyes filled with happiness. Despite the fact that she was a petit girl, she had already taken up her role as future Alpha. All the teenagers in Alpha Rex's pack followed her, seeing her as their leader. The Heirs Pack, they called themselves.

Her best friends, Beta-To-Be Jacob, Jake, Masen, and his mate Kristen, Kris, Summers. Elizabeth and Jacob had a romantic history, but they broke up as Jacob and Kristen chnged the same day and figured out that they were mated.

Jacob Masen is 16 years old, his messy brown hair was all over the place, jus like his wolf, who had the exact same colour. Jacob changed on the same day as his mate, a month after Elizabeth. He is Elizabeth's Beta, and he will continue that until the day he die. Jacob is built like any ordinary werewolf male, massive.

Kristen are Elizabeth's 15 year old best friend. She still feel guitly for breaking up Jacob and Elizabeth, but she has been assured that there is nothing to worry about. Her human are wolf are very similar, with brown hair and brown eyes. She lives with her grandfather, and shares Elizabeth love to the british/irish boy band, One Direction.

Werewolves are not the only supernatural beings in this world, vampires and withces are also walking among the humans, lurking in the shadows. The withces has been lying low for a long while, so long that they are believed to be all dead, as the vampires and werewolves has been at war for 200 yers.

The myths that werewolves and vampires can be killed by silver bullets and knives, the werewolves only change under full moon and that vampires burn in the sun and is repeled by garlic and holy water, is nothing more than that, myths. The only ting that can kill a werewolf, is the venom from a vampire, or really searious wounds. It is the oher wy around for vampires, as werewolves are the only being strong enough to tear through the hard skin of a vampire.

Both speices are also gifted with a mate. Two people that are made perfectly for each other. No one knows why the Moon Goddess, mother of all living and dead, has given you only one person to live with for the rest of your life, but that is the way it is, and no one has ever complained about it, and it has never been any difficulities about it. 

When a werewolf finds his or her mate, they will become possesive and protective, especially if their mate is a human. It is impossible to make new werewolves, as you are born with the ability to change, but if a wolf is gifted with a human mate, it is possible to pray to the Moon Goddess to make him or her werewolf.

Werewolves are, along with vampires and withces, unable to age, they are born and they grow, but as they reach the age of 20, they stop aging. And the normal age of the first change is always around their fifteenth birthday. Wolves can chose when to shift between their human and wolf form, except the first time, which is always painfull.

As said earlier, vampires are not killed by the sun, but they prefer the night as the sun burn their eyes as their senses are stronger than humans. When they are angry their eyes turn red, their fangs come out and their skin hardens, but when they are calm, they appear to be a normal human. There is not able for humans to kill them, as the only thing that will help is massive strenght that only a werewolf possesses. As the vampires bodies are frozen in time, it is unable for mates to have children, as the female can't get pregnant, but it usual for mated vampires to adopted a child.

The war between the two speicies was started two hundred year ago, as a smal pack of wolves were out running patrols along their borders were attacked and brutally killed by vampires. There was no reason for the attack, and Alpha King Rex was angered, but as he found out that his Mate, Maria, was a part of the patrol that had been killed, he was furious. More and more battles broke out, and Alpha King Rex met up with the five vampire Lords to find a peacefull way out. But it ws failed. As Rex was provoced by two of the lords, he lost controll and lashed out, killing a female vampire. Not any female vampire, the mate to one of the vapire Lords, the vapires were furious, and it ended in war.

The war raged and massive battles broke out, there was no break during the next 200 years, but one day, 12 years ago, there was one huge battle, bigger than the rest, it killed countless of, not only vampires, but also werewolves. It was in that battle, Elizabeth's parents were killed.


The story does get better, promise!!

Keep reading:)


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ME \(^_^)/


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