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Elizabeth's P.O.V

I don't know how long I slept, but when I woke up, I was not alone in the room. For the second time I woke up to eight people staring at me.

"Good you are awake Elizabeth" Louis said, his voice showed no emotion. This can't be good, when the usual happy carefree Louis is this serious, I have really messed up bit time.

"What's happening?" I asked, rubbing my eyes with my good arm.

"We want an explanation for all this" Liam said, calmness ruled his voice.

"I WANT A FUCKING EXCUSE FOR WHY THE HELL YOU FUCKING KILLED MY SISTER!" Zayn yelled, and it was almost as he attacked me again, I could see it in his body language.

"Zayn, quit the yelling, you are scaring her" Niall said and sat down beside me. He took my hand, it looked like he had an inner fight, like he thought of he wanted to hold my hand or not.

"I'm afraid you still won't forgive me when I tell you" I whispered and looked away from them.

"We'll listen to your story before we judge you" Harry said, his voice filled with anger, but he remained calm.

"Well, I'll just start with the beginning. It happened the first day I turned, I was eleven" I started, then I told them the story of why I killed Zayn's sister.


I was running to class, for the second time today, I was late for class. I had the same aching pains in my body for the whole day, and since I didn't manage to get up because of the pain, I was now late for Mr. Benson's history class.

I got to the door, exactly ten minutes to late, and swung the door open.

"Nice of you to finally join us Miss Wolf. Do you have a good explanation to why you are late?" Mr. Benson asked me, without looking up from the book he was reading from.

"No sir. I'm sorry" I whispered and sat down on my chair in the back of the class room. I was kind of a freak, not many friends, except Kristen, Jacob and Carlos. Jake and I were dating, even though we were a little too young, according to Rex. But we wanted to try. It was nothing serious though.

The class went past in a blur and I tried to concentrate, but the pain was too bad. And in the middle of class, I got the need to scream. My hand shot up, trying to get Mr. Bensons attention.

"Yes, Miss Wolf?" he sighted, it was obvious that I interrupted something important, but right now, I couldn't care less.

"Could I please go to the toilet?" I asked, trying not to let the pain show on my face.

"Alright Miss Wolf, but make it quick" he sighted, I stood up and he handed me a hallway pass as I walked past him.

After closing the door quietly behind me, I ran as fast as possible towards the doors so I could get outside. I ripped the doors open and ran as far from the school I could get, which wasn't very far, I got to the small forest on the other side of the road and walked farther in, then I screamed. I fell to my knees and held my head in my hands. It was the worst pain I had ever felt, nothing could compare to it. It felt like all my bones were cracking up and shifting, size and form. I couldn't keep up with the pain anymore, and blacked out.

I woke up feeling different. It was like my body had changed, but I kinda liked it. It felt right and good, like I had a force that was locked inside me. I looked around me, and saw everything in a different way, I could hear everything around me, every mouse walking around under the trees, a craws wing flap as it took off from a branch ten meters away and the cars on the road fifteen meters behind me. I could also smell everything, that the kids in my school was out playing football, or Ruth's awesome apple-pie back at the orphanage and Rex know sent. And I saw the details, every little thing in the woods around me. But this isn't possible, humans are not supposed to smell, see or hear things like this. And I saw thing from a different level, like literally, I felt taller than usual.

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