3. The concert

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Elizabeth's P.O.V

After we had made sure that the girl we found was fine and had a few laughs with the rest of the gang, Kristen and JAcob followed me home to the orphanage, since they both had their legal guardians, they didn't live there, byt they helped with the smaler kids, and kept me company

We ran back to my home, as the pack house was in the middle of the woods, and the orphanage, which was ran by an old lady named Ruth, layed right on the edge of the forest.

"Ruth! I'm home!" I yelled as I hung away my jacket. The next I heard was the sound of fifteen children running towards me, laughing and yelling my name. I bendt down and was surounded by smal kids, who were all asking things like: "Where have you been?" and "What took you so long?" I smiled back and responded to most of their questions. Since I'm the oldest child in the orphanage, I worked as a older sister, or even a mom to the younger kids.

"Hello Elizabeth, how was school today?" Ruth asked from the kitchen. Ruth was around 50 years old, though she looked like 20, which was normal for a werewolf, and since Ruth's son is very close to Rex, it was a obvious choice to let her take care of the orphanage, in case any werewolf kids ended up here, kids like me.

"School was boring like usual Ruth, though we saw one of them in the woods during patrols, so make sure to keep the kids out of the forest for now, just to be sure" I smiled back, some of the older kids looked at me curiously, but they just shook it of.

"Of course, I'll watch them" Ruth replied and continued the dinner she had started.

"Lizzie, Lizzie! Did you hear that One Direction is going to hold a concert? Here? In our town!?" A little girl named Emily asked happily.

Emily was one of the most amazing little girls I have ever met. She is ten years old, and came to the orphanage when she was three, I was eight at the point, so I became her older sister, and we were really close. Emily had long wavy brown hair, chocolate brown, mischievous eyes, and a beautiful tan skin colour. Not only that, but she was hillarious, kind, sweet and amazingly smart for her age. I'm surprised that she isn't adopted yet, I think it can have something with the fact that she's a werewolf kid, and that Rex wants her close to town.

"Yes, I know! It's so cool!" I laughed, and smiled down at her as I stood up again.

"Are you going? Do you have tickets?" she asked me, her eyes wide with joy. She was the sweetest kid ever.

"As a matter of fact, I am. And Im going to record it for you, so you can atch it was well" I grinned down and pulled out my phone, waving it in front of her eyes. She laughed happily.

"Could you try to egt their autographs too? Please!" she begged, making me and Kristen giggle as Jacobs eyes widened.

"I promise that I will do anything to et you their autographs" I promised her, praying that I could keep it, just to get to see the happines in her eyes when she got them.

"Elizabeth, Jacob, Kristen, come here and help with the dinner" Ruth yelled from the kitchen. I patted Emily on the shoulder, and followed Jacob and Kristen.

We helped making the rest of the food, getting the table ready, and making sure that the kids washed their hands before they sat down, then we halped the smalest children with eating their baby food.

The concert was finally here, the day before me and Kristen had gone shopping and gotten some new outfits to wear. Kristen had a really cute top, shorts and turquoise flats and a forever directioner bracelet.

I had shorts, a 1D singlet and converse, we both had french braids, and we were overly excited. (Lizzie's outfit on the side)

As we stepped out of Kristen's grandfather's car, as he drove us, I almost regretted comming, there was so many people here, but I was to excited to care, and something told me that I would see my mate if I got in there.

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