Run Payne, NOW!

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Okay, so, I've been a bit busy, but here it is :)


Elizabeth (Lizzie) P.O.V

It's the 21 of December, a week since Leo was buried, and his death has been noticed by the whole pack, even those who didn't know him. And since it's almost two weeks since Nathan and Beatrice was born, Rex has decided that they're going to be accepted into the pack today, it's kind of like a ceremony, where the childs' mother or father has to say yes, and let them join the pack. Of course, they're already in it, but this will give us the possibility to hear their thoughts and sense their scent better.

Normally, this isn't done this early, it's usual to do it around the kids tenth birthday, but since my kids are prince and princess of all werewolves and with the fact that they grow faster than any child in existence, we made a exception.

We have also noticed something different with the twins. With Nathan, it's like I can't lie to him, no matter what I tell him, it would be the truth. One time, they had asked about their father, and I tried to say that he was on a business trip, and would be home soon, but when Nathan shook his head, I just blurted out with the truth. And with Beatrice, she could make me believe anything she wanted to. She had woken up one night, crying. When I asked her why, she said it was because it was a small teddy bear that said she would never be fed again. And the whole pack used a whole week-end searching for talking teddy bears.

So Rex and I had concluded that nobody could lie to Nathan, and Beatrice could lie to anyone. And that they also was unable to use their gifts on each other. We decided that it had to be their vampire side that made it's presence known, giving them extra powers.

"Lizzie, the ceremony starts in an hour, you should get the twins ready" Kristen said from the door.

"I'm comming now!" I yelled back, then I put Beatrice and Nathan in their baby stroller and left the building.

When we got to the clearing we used for training and ceremonies we were met by the pack. Rex was standing in the front, witing for me and the twins.

I had decided that Kristen and Jacob would be their god parents, so the two of them took the twins up from the stroller and over to where Rex was standing. I followed after them and forced a smile onto my face.

We stood by Rex side as he took Nathan from Kristen's arms and held him up in front of the pack.

"This is Werewolf Prince Nathan Wolf, first born son of Werewolf Princess Elizabeth Wolf and vampire Prince Niall Horan. Today, with his guardians permission, he will join our pack, from now and till his last breath. Do you, Princess Elizabeth Wolf, let you son Nathan Wolf, join our pack, to protect it and its leaders with his life, and have the pack protect him like he was their own son?" Rex said and looked to me.

"I agree to let my son, Nathan Wolf, join this pack, to protect it and its leaders  with his life, and have the pack protect him like he was their own son" I answered, and smiled softly as my eyes landed on the little bundle of joy.

"Then, with the power given to me by the moon goddess herself, I , Alpha King Rex, take you, Prince Nathan Wolf, into my pack, The kings Royal pack, until the day you die" Rex spoke loudly, then he spoke a few words about the Moon goddess into Nathans ear.

"You will cherish the moon goddess, the immortal power that gave us life, and made us the shape shifters we are today by giving us our wolves. May the Goddess give you a great life" Then Rex gave Nathan back to Kristen and took Beatrice from Jacob.

"This is Werewolf Princess Beatrice Wolf, first born daughter of Werewolf Princess Elizabeth Wolf and vampire Prince Niall Horan. Today, with his guardians permission, he will join our pack, from now and till his last breath. Do you, Princess Elizabeth Wolf, let you daughter Beatrice Wolf, join our pack, to protect it and its leaders with his life, and have the pack protect him like she was their own daughter?" Rex said and looked to me again.

Adopted Wolf (1D/Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now