2. Intruders

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Okay, some info before we starts, when I write things with "this" signs, it's said out loud, but if I write it like 'this' it's said in the packs mind link ;)


Elizabeth P.O.V

I had finally finished my math class and was currently walking towards my locker to meet up with my friends.

"I hate math with a passion!" I growled loudly as I threw my books into my locker. All the teenagers in the pack was gathering around me and started to laugh at my comment. We walked outside of school and sat down on some benches around a tree at the far back. 

"Hey Lizzie" Jacob and Kristen said as they sat down beside me.

"Stop doing that, it freaks me out!" I exclaimed as they laughed at me. Because the two of them were mates, they seemed to be doing things in sync, which started to freak the rest of us out. They also seemed to have a private mind link, which was rare, even mong mates. We did have a pack mind link, but there was not able to hold a personal conversation as everyone could listen in on it though it seemed like my friends and I had our own little link.

We were only ten changed teenagers in the pack so far. There was me, Jacob, Kristen, Emilia, Lisa, Samantha, Luke, Oliver and Jennifer. Owen and Jenifer are the only mated couple among us, next to Jacob and Kristen. The rest of us were single. 

When we finally noticed that we were the only people left at school, we finally got up and left. We all ended up at Rex's house, which was also used as the pack house, where all the generations in the pack met up. It was completed with game room, kitchens, extra bedrooms, bathrooms, pool and a lot of other ways to chill out with friends. As we got there we seperated and did stuff on our own or in small groups. (Rex's house on the side)

As Jacob, Kristen and I went to sit down on the couch, Rex entered the room with a worried facial expression.

"What's up Rex?" I asked and soot up.

"Can you come with me Lizzie, I need to talk to you in privat" he said, then he turned around and walked out of the room. I followed him slowly, a little worried over what it could be. We entered his office and sa down on either side of his desk.

"Ryan have discovered vampires on our territory. We have not identified which clan they come from, they seem new to the area. They are on the west border. I want you to take Jacob and Kristen and check it out" he explained calmly, though a little smile played on his lips. Ryan was one of the normal rated wolves, he was a good fighter and a even better tracker. I bit my lip as I got to know that we didn't know teir clan, it was always easier to track a vampire if we knew the clan, as vampires from the same clan always smelled similiar.

"Jake! Kris! Where are you!" I yelled as I walked trought the house. I could've used the mind link, but I've got to entertain the pack somehow right?

'We're in the back yard, by the pool. And just use the pack link you Goof" Jacob answered, throught the link this time. I grinned and ran down the stairs and throught the living room, earning weird looks from Jacobs father.

"Hello George" I waved as I ran past him. I recieved a "Hello Lizzie" in return as he shook his head at me.

"Alpha wants us to check up on some vampires along the west border, Kristen, Jacob, come with me" I said. Kristen squealed loudly into Jacobs ear and ran over to me. I giggled slightly at their antics as Jacob grumbled and made his way over to us.

"Why am I friends with you guys" he murmured under his breath, almost so low that we could hear it.

"Because I'm your mate, you big oaf" Kristen grinned and threw a arm over his shoulder.

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