Hitting the charts

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  • Dedicated to Niall James Horan


I have no reason for not updating this time, I guess I kinda forgot about it:'( Now I feel bad...

Just a little warning, there is a dirty scene at the end of the chapter, so if you don't like that kind of stuff, skip the part after the car drive ;)


Elizabeth's P.O.V

During the next weeks we travelled across America, having interviews and concerts in every city we passed on the way. The boys had some signings, while I recorded my first single along the way.

I had decided to use the offers I got from my birthday, to get to other fans, not only Directioners. So Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, Cody Simpson, Demi Lovato, Cher Lloyd and Ed Sheeran were going to sign a song with me. One each, Zayn had also tried to contact Perrie and ask them, but they were busy. So I had seven songs with other singers, then I had nine songs alone, all songs I had written by my self. And I couldn't wait for it to come out. I needed just one more song, then I am finished. And beside all that, there was werewolves in all the cities we visited, so I had to sneak out once at each place. I could tell that the boys started to get slightly irritated that I snuck out all the time.

I had to tell Niall what I was doing, at first he didn't like it, but he had to accept it, since it was Rex's order. Sparrow knew as well, and she joined me to some of them.

As for the moment, I was sneaking back in after a quick trip to the pack closest to Miami, praying that the boys wouldn't catch me. But yet again, karma kicked my ass.

"ELIZABETH WOLF PAYNE! WHERE THE FLIPPING HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Harry's voice boomed through the house we rented.

"I'm sorry Haz, there was something I had to do" I tried to explain, but I think that I've used that one time to much.

"THAT'S STUPID! You've had things "to do" every time we get to a new place" He said, glaring at me. Harry was the one that took it hardest when I told him what I was, I didn't know why, but he seemed almost like he was in pain when he looked at me.

"I know that Harry, but the things I do is important to me" I yelled back.

¨"THAT'S REDICOLUS! All you do is living of our money and being a nagging bitch!" he screamed.

"HOW DARE YOU?!" I cried.

"AND YOU HAVE ABSOLUTE NO SENCE OF RESEPCT! DIDN'T YOUR MOTHER TEACH YOU ANYTHING?!" He yelled, and I could see that he regretted it the second the words left his mouth.

"NO SHE DIDN'T, CAUSE SHE'S FUCKING DEAD! YOU ASS!" I screamed at him as tears streamed down my face.

"Lizzie" he whispered, but I just slapped him across the cheek and ran up to the bathroom, knowing that Niall was in our bed, and I wanted to be alone.

"Lizzie, please open up. I didn't mean to, I'm sorry" Harry said from the other side of the door.

"Go away" I mumbled in return.

"Lizzie come on. I know that you are not like that. Your sweet, loving, funny, humble and cute. Love, I'm so sorry" Harry pleaded.

"Yeah right" I mumbled under my breath, not expecting him to catch it. The heavy sigh that came from him told me that he had heard it anyways.

I thought through what he said, and maybe he's right, maybe I am a nagging bitch, and I do live of the boys...

I heard some mumbling, it sounded like Sky and Emma, but I couldn't hear what they said. The next that happened though, I had no problem to hear.

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