New York, here we come!

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I had some troubles with the last chapter, but it was something important happened at the end, and you'll have to read it to understand the upcoming events, or scary persons who are about to enter ;) The chapter is called And You are, It's before Confused, which is not a chapter;)


Elizabeth's P.O.V

We were all finished with our packing and were waiting for our plane. It was late, but it seemed like it was only to expect as we were going to meet our family.

"Gah, how long can it take to clean a plane?" Sky sighed loudly, causing people to stare at us.

"Maybe you should go out and help them then, if you think you can do much better" Sparrow smirked.

"No, are you crazy, cleaning equals death for some people" Sky whined in return.

"From the sight of your and Liam's room, it's quite obvious who "some" people are" Emma mumbled, but of course we all heard her.

"It's not that messy after Liam and I started to shear bedroom" Sky protested.

"Yeah, I think Liam regrets that" I laughed and showed her playfully in the shoulder.

"Oh shut up bitch" she yelled back at me, and we all laughed at her. Everyone gave us weird looks, but what they didn't know is that I am a bitch, technically, since bitch is a female dog, or wolf.

"Flight 705 to New York are now boarding" The annoying female voice sounded over the speaker.

"THAT'S US!" Sky yelled and ran towards the gate.

"God help this child" I mumbled under my breath, Sparrow heard me and we laughed at the weird ass comment.

After a while, we were finally sitting on the plane, first class of course.

And I still had the feeling that someone was following me. I have had the feeling all since we came home from the shop last night, it was like someone was following me and the girls, but I'm sure that I'm just feeling things that's not really there, and had decided against telling the others.

"I can't wait to see the boys again" Emma smiled, I knew that she though of Harry. I will not imagine what kind of thoughts she had, because I'm sure that my virgin head was not ready for that kind of stuff.

"I agree" Sky sighed and looked at nothing in particular. She and Liam were going to announce the engagement for the world at the same time as me and Niall, also known as the next interview the boys are going to.

"Louis has some serious upmaking to do when we meet" Sparrow huffed.

"Is that even a word?" I asked ad started at her. She just shrugged, and we all burst out laughing.

The ride went by faster than we could imagine, I guess it's something true about the saying "Time will flew by when you're having fun" or something like that.

I could honestly not wait until I got to see Niall again, it was like waiting for your dinner when you're out on a restaurant and your order goes wrong and you have to wait even longer...

I think Niall is starting to rub of on me, it seems like I'm thinking of food all the time.

We got off the plane and went over to grab our bags, then we were off to meet the boys.

They said they were going to meet us at the airport together with Paul and some other security guards, but from the looks of it, they forgot.

"Where are they?" Sparrow asked impatiently. It was really stupid of Louis to screw it up again, cause I knew Sparrow was still mad from last night.

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