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Here's the next one, I am going to warn you. This chapter will hold some violent scenes, sexual parts and POV changes. Most of the chapter will hold parts of some abuse and if you think it will trigger something, don't read it ;) And at the start, when the wolf spirits speak, it's written in Norwegian, since I use that as the ancient language, but I translated it to English at the end of the section in parentheses.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

Everything was black, and my head was pounding. It was like a silent torture, and I hated it.

Then a bright light erupted and everything went white, making me close my eyes.

"Elizabeth Wolf, åpne øynene" a ancient voice said, it was no more then a whisper, but the most powerfull sound I had ever heard. It spoke in another language, a language I had never heard before, but somehow, I still understood. (Elizabeth Wolf, open your eyes)

I slowly reopened my eyes, and was quick to notice that I was in my wolf form, and also that I was surrounded by other wolves, but I didn't fear them.

"Where am I?" I asked, not sure if they would understand me or not.

"Du er I åndeverdenen, der de døde befinner seg" a red wolf said. I had never seen a red wolf before, it stands somewhere that a red wolf is the most powerful being in the world, then there's white in second, black in third and usual brown or grey in fourth. (You're in the spirit world, where the dead stays)

"Why am I here?" I asked again, if this was the place where all the dead wolves went, then my parents must be here.

"Vi er her for å advare deg, det du skal til å oppleve når du våkner, vil inneholde noe av den verste smerten du vil føle noen gang, men uansett hva, må du ikke gi dem noen svar" the red wolf said, making me confused. (We're here to warn you, when you wake up you'll experience some of the worst pain you will ever feel, but no matter what, you can not give them any answers)

"What do you mean? Can I see my parents?" I asked, but the wolf pack started to fade, and yet again, everything went back to black.

I couldn't see anything, it was even darker than before I met the pack, and what did they mean about the pain? What did they mean about the pain?

The it hit me, not a though, but some of the pain they talked about. My head was throbbing, like I had thousands of oompa loompas with hammers inside my head, and my hands and arms ached.

I slowly pried my eyes open and looked at my surroundings. The first I noticed, were that I was tied down to the floor, by silver chains, making it impossible for me to escape. It's not that I couldn't break the chain, it's just that I'm not as strong as a grown wolf, since I'm only sixteen, and you'll get your full power at twenty, and the silver in the chain makes it a little harder to turn to a wolf.

I looked around the room, trying to stay calm, but it was very heard when I saw all the stuff that hang on the wall. It was knives, syringes and other torture stuff. It was some disturbing things, there as well, but I don't want to mention it.

I don't know how long I was lying there, but at some point someone entered the room, making me look away from the ceiling. It was Siva, from The Wanted.

"Why are you doing this? Let me out of her!" I yelled at him, using my alpha tone. Siva flinched, but then his face turned to a evil smirk.

"I told you that you didn't know who you were dealing with" he sneered. It didn't seem like he was to affected by my Alpha tone, which he should!

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