3.A New Dilemma

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Arius started crying for first time in six months hugging lucas . Lucas don't know how to console a crying child so he just carried him in his arms standing there looking worried .  His uncle looked at Arius surprised.

" look at him crying and acting like a proper child after seeing his samchon..!! until now, he was always like a  statue with no emotion.. no reaction to anything.. just like when you were  a  kid"

he  told lucas. ( Samchon means uncle in korean)

After hearing the word samchon Arius lifted his head up see the person  holding him..

eyes as red as Rubies  and  lustrous  black hair....he looked so much like his dad, but he is not his dad... after realising it Arius felt a bit betrayed then soon came back to reality that his dad won't come back ... the man who is holding him now is his dad's  brother.. his samchon.

He didn't said anything and just looked down again which made lucas uncomfortable

' is he scared of me? '

Lucas thought to himself and tried to release him but Arius was holding him tight so he just let him be and talked to His uncle about his purpose of coming to this house after so many years.

After hearing little bit of their conversation Arius found lucas was here to take him with him and he wants to be his guardian . he felt a little relieved that eventhough he can't turn everything back and go to his home, he can atleast escape this mansion he thought.

'May be it's better to be with samchon he looks like dad.. Ari  feels safe  with  him   I can't see dad anymore.. but I can see samchon who looks like dad  ' he got satisfied at the thought of seeing lucas daily.

Lucas is reading the papers regarding the case for Arius' s guardian rights. everything went smoothly on papers until hee saw  that last and important phrase which made him left Arius down on the floor  and read it  again and again

Arius got confused over lucas reaction and  his uncle was smirking.  

"this is ridiculous!!  Why the hell I have to do this?!!  It has nothing to do  with  taking care of  Arius , I can't do this, never.!! " lucas shouted

The last phrase said that lucas have to get Married to become Arius's  guardian otherwise they won't entrust Arius with a single dad, a child have all the rights to get motherly love.

" I didn't said I want to become his dad I just want to raise him as his guardian I don't have any desire to start a family"  lucas said

"lucas if  you want Arius.. you have to get married,   if you simply want to be a guardian you can never win  the case because your father can also become his guardian and based on age and experience, he will be definitely chosen  as guardian and you will Lose Arius to him. this is your only option.. you have to adopt Arius as your son that way you have more chances of winning " his  uncle said

Lucas become silent for a while then told his uncle to make arrangement for that but not to choose someone his family know. uncle was surprised for a moment that lucas who hates marraige and  family so much, easily  agreed readily for his brother's son. Lucas thought of marrying the girl uncle choose until he wins the case and then divorce her by giving whatever she wants .

it's not that  Lucas  hate family, he wants to get divorce because he thought he was not qualified to have a wife  because of some events in his past. he was so happy when his brother finally had a family who love him dearly

His uncle said he will take care of everything. Lucas asked his uncle if  he can  take Arius with him, the case will took long time to end so he want to take Arius with him

uncle gave him  permission and lucas again looked down at Arius who was looking at him all this time he kneeled down

"Arius... Hmm... hii.. I know i am late to introduce myself, I am Lucas.. your father's brother.. do you remember me? We often chatted on  call "

after that lucas waited for his reply it was an awkward situation for him.. He was never good with kids. Arius simply stared at him for a while then nodded his head

" yes.. I remember sam.. samchon"
.He said in low voice  and puppy eyes

Lucas let out a chuckle looking at his cuteness and offered his hand to him

" since you know this samchon will you come with me? "

His uncle was surprised for a moment to see lucas smiling.. the lucas he know was a boy who was like a statue with  cold eyes and emotionless face

'so this brat even know how to smile huh?.. just wait.. you brat.. I will make a beautiful family for you.. so that you can smile all your life'. He thought  and smirked

Arius smiled as he hold  his hand and nodded his head as a yes.

"yes.. Arius will go with samchon"

lucas felt soo happy to hear that. he never stopped smiling. he realized  why his brother always looked so happy while talking about his son. Arius was soo cute in person than seeing him in photos and videos .

When they were driving back home Arius was staring at lucas deep in  thoughts

Samchon is  really  cool.!!! He  have ear piercing and tattoo too.. he is  different from dad... dad was always in suits  .

Lucas is wearing  a black jean, a black   t shirt with black leather jacket. he have four piercing on  left ear and two on right ear he wore two small rings covering helix and a cross earring on the  lobule.

That grandpa said he was going to find Samchon  a wife.. I wonder who is going to be his wife..? uncle was soo cool and handsome.

(our Arius was fanboying over  his uncle 🤭)

(our Arius was fanboying over  his uncle 🤭)

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(lucas 's outfit)

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