The Warmth In You

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It's not a usual morning  for them, because three of them dozed off and  got late for their work. The house is in   ruckus  

"sia.. Did you saw a  blue color file that I was  reading yesterday?"

"I think you left it on  the couch"

"eemo do you know where is my crayon box ?"

"look inside  the third drawer in  the living room"

athy was busy helping them more than she was getting ready  for her work

" sia the file is not here come help me find it "

"I feel like I am raising two kids now,I  never thought lucas would be  this clumsy, this lazy fellow" athy mumbled and  sighed

"wait a minute.." she said walking towards him.

"seriously... lucas are you blind..?!! it's right in front of you.. why are going round and  round in the same place..? "  athy shouted frustrated

" oh is it here all this time..?!! how come I didn't see it?!  I am sure I checked this place before " he mumbled taking it..

" open your eyes and search next time  " she said

" thank you " he said  running to the living room.

Athy sighed and followed him now everyone is  ready to go out . Athy crouched and checked ari's backpack

"  are you sure you didn't missed anything? "

" yep "

" good boy "athy kissed  him in the  cheek. When she get up lucas was standing in front of her still half asleep and skimming through the file once again.

' pff no wonder he can't see the file.. is he half asleep all this time?'  she saw his tie was crooked. She pulled him closer by his tie  which caught him off guard, he  is  surprised by her sudden pull yet he is still sleepy 

" you rarely go to office,and  when you are at it, can't you do it properly?"

she started nagging at him while redoing his tie. Strangely lucas felt warmth inside him, he unconsciously came closer to her and placed his head on her shoulder  snuggling his face  on her neck. Athy was surprised  by his unusual  behaviour. she standed still frozen. His breathe  touching her bare skin  felt hot

"lu.. lucas what happened?"

" shh.. Few minutes.. I am really sleepy"

he whined as he pulled her even  closer

She  felt butterflies in her stomach.

'what is he doing first thing in the morning?!! , compose yourself  '  she thought

" lucas get up.. let's go.. it's already late if you are that sleepy then just sleep, don't go to office".  She said

He slowly looked up at her with misty eyes which bewitched her for a second . She suddenly turned her face  away from him. He stretched

" no.. I have to go.. after all today's meeting is somewhat important. otherwise why would  I waste my time going to that noisy place" he mumbled looking pissed

  "I felt sorry for your friends.. you dump half of your works on them.. you slacker"  she said

"pff yeah yeah let's go"

he headed out first and saw the elevator was about to close he ran and stopped the elevator by placing his hand in the middle of the door, as the door opened the people in the elevator see a handsome guy standing there and stared   at him in  awe.

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