First Time Feeling This

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Lucas POV

It was a peaceful morning until someone  pressed the calling bell nonstop Like it's an  emergency exit  and their life was on the  line.. I got pissed  and  opened the door.. I was about to give them a piece of my mind until I met a pair of  sapphire jewel like eyes staring at me equally surprised .

The one standing in front of me was beautiful.. she was beautiful beyond words.. the sunlight that's  scattering all over the corridor made her eyes glisten   like some precious jewel.. Arius also have jeweled eyes but her's was so deep, deep like a blue sea.. I felt like I would sink in it  and would  never be  able to get up.. I never saw someone with such mesmerising eyes. Her looks  are same as sister in law but so different in her own way.

Her platinum blond waves were fluttering in air literally  glowing from  the sunlight.. is she this beautiful because of the sunlight..? Or is she always like this..? Looking at  her.. I felt something warm inside me.. what is this feeling..? I never felt this way before even when I see brother and Arius ..why looking at her make me feels like this..?!!

while I was  in my own train of  thoughts, she asked me something.. I can't hear  what she said

' get yourself together lucas' I told myself and listened

she was asking about Arius and  I told her to come inside. she ran towards Arius as soon as she heard his voice.. hugged him and started crying when I looked down she weared slippers.. is she was in that much hurry to see him that  she even  forget to change her slippers.. she came all the  way in house slippers.. ? I was surprised by that and what surprised me more was Arius..

he confessed to her about how he feel as soon as he saw her.. I can say he talked more words than all the words he said combined .. I think he feel more comfortable around her than me...

I think it make sense.. because I don't know how to confront him.. so I don't talk much to him.. but seeing him express his true feelings and crying makes me somewhat relieved.. I think it's better for him to let out his worries to someone he is comfortable with.. it seems like they were really close.. she looked shocked and worried at the same time.. she looked more shocked  than me when she  heared  his words as if she had a trauma so I first talked  and comforted him.

He somehow stopped crying but still looked so sad but she easily pacified him. She is really good with kids.. I think it's good that   arius have an  aunt who loves him...

Then it hits me.. may be I should marry her..? so that Arius can always be happy and I can  also feel assured that he was not uncomfortable like he would  around some stranger  girl.. if it was his aunt, he will be more comfortable and happy. she seems like a  good person.. after all its her sister's son, so it's natural that  she loves him so much.

So I decided to talk with her about this.. arius fell asleep in her arms. I took him to his room told her to wait on sofa as I came back It felt a little awkward . I  was always swarmed by girls.. I always thought of them as annoyance so I always avoid them.

it's my first time  confronting a girl.. so when I  sit, to my surprise she started the conversation first.. she introduced herself casually.. she was not trying to impress me or acting cute or flirting with me like other girls, she was just straightforward and casual just like her sister which I found amusing. 

If I have to be exact.. she was the second girl to talk normally to me other  than her sister  so I wanted to tease her.

I asked her  if  she  is   single.. she looked  dumbfounded by my sudden question, her stupified  face was so cute.. it was really fun.. teasing her but she replied obidiently which made me want to  tease her even more.. I straight out told  her

" lets get married" 

the expression on her face  was  really funny I think I really like teasing her

I wanted to laugh out loud but controlled myself.. it's my first time becoming happy at the thought of just  talking to someone. I always just listen to  others. I don't talk much even if talk I always just reply or tease my close friends but I never teased a stranger I met for first time.

during my brother's marraige.. she was not there.. it's our first time meeting each other.. but strangely... I felt comfortable around her.. she also started playing along with me.. which made  our conversation more fun she must have thought I am crazy or cocky.. I can tell she had an   urge to hit me.. but it's really fun teasing her.

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