Meeting Friends

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Days went by as athy, lucas and Arius get closer  as athy visits them almost daily.. Also them going out.. chatting about random things.. Lucas told his uncle about athy and his uncle was so happy that lucas chose the right person to be his partner

"athy will be perfect for you" he said

Then one day lucas's  close friends ijekeil, stephen and max came to visit him. after his brother's death lucas didn't talked  to anyone.. They  also gave  him some space to recover.. but they were  worried about him.. so they went to meet him after lucas calling them.. they were so happy by  the call from  lucas.

he never approached them first, they were the one who dragged him along  always.. but this change in lucas was because of Arius as he pestered lucas saying he wants  to see his uncle's friends

They   don't know about Arius so they  came thinking of  spending time with lucas.

they bought beers and snacks to enjoy. The minute lucas opened the door the house become chaotic stephen and max are always fun type.. their character is  so carefree that lucas and ijekeil have to give their piece of mind to them frequently.. they were being close friends from high school..

lucas being a genius, he would  always skip classes and hng out with them... Even when he  was sent abroad for higher studies  he never lost contact  with his friends, though he may not be a conversation starter, he tease them so much that their  meetings are  always filled with fun.

Max stopped in the hall when he see Arius who was watching them standing in front of his room

"woah..!!! look at this cute kid..!!! . he looks soo much like lucas..!! if only  his eyes were red... he will exactly looks like baby lucas"

He pinched his cheeks and carried him in his arms . ijekeil give lucas a ' can you explain what's going on.? ' look. 

then lucas told  the whole story to his gang, they were  silent for few minutes then they appreciated lucas that he made a good decision.

" you know what  lucas.. I am so touched.. I never know you are this kind..  our lucas finally become a man and a family man at that "

max said in a dramatic tone shedding  fake tears and got a smack from lucas in the head.

" it's looks like lucas love you so much  that he even agreed to marraige"

Stephen told Arius and patted his head after hearing that Arius is  so happy and smiled innocently

" wahh!! my heart .. you cutie.. don't smile like that.. I think my heart will came out.. why are you so cute?"

stephen exaggerated touching his chest and the Arius  laughed

" so who is that mysterious girl that made our lone wolf  lucas  agree to marry her... I never thought you will get  married.. I thought you will be single forever.. and on top that.. Even before  me lucas  "

Ijekeil  said and laughed ( ijekeil was engaged to jennete and will  marry  her next year)

" you know her.. she was your fiancees's cousin .. Athanasia " lucas replied nonchalantly.

Ijekiel was surprised to hear the news

" what..?!! that athanasia..?! the one who everyone calls queen of  cosmetics industry.. that girl... Dude  are you serious.. ?!!   Do you know how many boys were head over heels for her outside..?!! she never dated anyone before and always kindly rejects proposals.. how on the earth did you manage to make her agree.. ?!! Wait first how did you know her?!! "

ijekeil talked nonstop in shock.

Max and stephen have no idea what he is talking about, they don't know anything other than gaming.  ' is she that beautiful... that so  many boys  fall for her? 'they thought getting  curious to see her.

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