Lived Happily Ever After.

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Years went on faster everyone was busy with their lives, athy become pregnant and lucas and Arius was on cloud nine , they were so over protective on her which made her stop going to the company and rest at home after arius fight with athy.

Athy thought Arius was getting more and more like lucas which everyone agreed, lucas always did whatever Arius wants, he joined Arius in taekwondo and boxing because Arius wants to be like him for which he get a earful from Athy.

Arius teacher advised lucas to be his father atleast only in school because that's what his adoption documents says so he should not written as his guardian and Arius also agreed to it. So in Arius 's primary school lucas was known to everyone as Arius' s dad.

Anna and ces wanted to have a double wedding and Arius and jason were their flower boys. Jason was going to kinder garden now as he is 3 yrs old and he loves to play with Arius.

Arius also love jason, he thought he was so cute and tiny and always play with him on weekends. Arius and lucas were so nervous during athy's labour and finally a beautiful girl baby was born.

She looked exactly like Arius with black hair and blue eyes. Lucas hugged and kissed her forehead

"you did well sia, I love you, thank you"

he hold athy in his arms while she is holding their daughter in her arms. Arius was so happy that his little sister looks exactly like him. He poked her cheeks sitting beside athy in bed and she smiled at him.

Lucas named her atheia since her Blue eyes are deep, her smile was like her mother. Athy and lucas were so happy that  their family got a new member.

Arius become a siscon and spoiled athiea by giving her whatever she wants. Athy told not to do that but he said

"but eemo if she cry I don't like it, she smile cutely just like you I want to see it more"

he said with innocent eyes And athy was touched by how much he love her and hugged and kissed him.

Even though Arius was growing up from he always acts like child to athy and get pampered by her. She know he likes that and he is always her precious baby boy Arius to her.

Lucas and Arius were  overprotective over atheia that they sometimes fought over who likes her more and athy chuckles at how cute they were. Athiea was a good child and always smile and make others happy.

Soon anna and ces also give birth to their children. Anna gave birth to a boy, they named him harry, he had brown hair like his mother and dark blue eyes like his father . Ces also gave birth to a girl and her name was Sally. she had blond hair like her father and pine green eyes like her mother.

Arius was everyones favourite he treated everyone as his little brother and sisters and always spend time with them other than playing with his friends.
When jason entered primary school athiea, Sally and harry joined kinder garden and Arius went to middle school. Arius was famous in his school cause its runs in their family that they attract attention wherever they go. Ari always listen to athy and lucas and wanted to be like them so he without knowing himself grew up  like them.

He was usually calm and kindly smiling like athy but if anyone mess with him he shut them up or ignore them like lucas. Once the boys of their opponent team in basket ball bullied Arius 's team so he taught them a lesson and that boys make it a big deal and thier principal called for thier parents.

Arius remembered athy and lucas always telling him do what he thinks is right and don't be afraid of anyone or anything if he is right. So he neither apologised nor listened to their parents complaining about him. One of thier parents who heard from his son that Arius lost his parents in plane accident said

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