Her Safe Place

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Athy was nervous since morning when she heared that news. She was walking here and there in her cabin. Her head aches from brainstorming . She was so nervous  when her  past memories came to her mind and  she is slightly shivering. Anna who saw athy's state was worried about her and stand outside her cabin looking at her walking here and there.

" anna is there a way to avoid going there?"

" no athy you should come with us since it was a big scale award show and if you didn't go will happen to our  company reputation.?!! We worked so hard to come this far.. and you really deserve the award" .

This morning athy got a call, saying that  she got selected for the  best young entrepreneur award and she have to come  In person to receive the award and the person who will give her the award is president of obelia corporations, claude de alger obelia, Her father, the last man she wants to meet on earth.

She don't know what to do and how to face him, she was reminded of that past events and started feeling dizzy but anna caught her up

"athy please calm down let's see if we can do anything about it calm Down and breath slowly"

she made athy sit on the sofa and patted her back gently, gives her water. Athy calmed down a bit

"if only he didn't attend the event I will definitely feel better" .

She sighed.

"It seems like he is deliberately trying to meet you there athy. I heard he volunteered to be the award presenter for you."

" haah.. So ridiculous" athy said with hatred in her voice. .

" he must be trying to talk with me, he tried a few times before but I didn't respond. he want to know about Arius I guess" athy said with a dark expression.

Anna tried to cheer her up by saying some funny ideas but it didn't helped athy, she was reminded  of her past again, which she badly wants to forget so it is haunting her again.

Anna was worried for athy so she told lucas to come and pick up athy no more no less, she didn't want to meddle in athy's private matters even though they are  friends, because, athy is the type who never open up easily and tell her worries to others.

she was always headstrong and face her problems with wisdom.she  Only get nervous when it involves her father. so she  wanted her husband to convince her and make her feel at  ease.

She waited for athy to calm down and Sat beside her. It's already late and everyone went home

" athy let's go home it's already late" anna pushed athy out of the office. Athy was grateful that anna didn't asked her further and also was keeping her company. She hugged anna

" thank you anna. "

Anna was happy that she was of some help to athy. She hugged back

" everything is gonna be okay athy, go home and rest well"

. Anna left. Athy was standing there doesn't want to go home. She tried so hard to control her emotions, her memories of that dreadful day is making her heart pain. She was standing in side of the resting area corridor where there are benches and small garden. The lights were  off and a street light nearby  was  giving a dim light to the area, the snow   falling .

Everything felt heavy on  her, the dim light and mild snow that falling, she felt like hiding in a dark place where no one can find her. Tears pooled up in her  crystal eyes . Her body is   shaking  in the cold but she didn't bothered to put on her coat which was resting in her hand.

' please... please just forget everything and go home' she tried so hard to control her emotions but she can't do anything. She was standing there hopelessly trembling with the cold and with her memories. She subconsciously uttered the name of the person who meant world to her

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