The Wish

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The first rays of sunlight  lit up the room. Lucas slowly opened his deep red eyes which shined brightly like rubies  . He blinked few time adjusting  to the brightness and opened his eyes, athy was sleeping peacefully hugging him  like  a kola bear.

"what a sight to see first thing in the morning.!! "lucas mumbled with a small smile

" I won't let anyone  hug me  like this  but you hugged me the  whole night and slept.. my body is very expensive you know? "

he  mumbled  poking  her cheek with a smirk .

" but it really feels good to have someone beside  while waking up.. I wish I can wake up seeing your face daily.. sia "

he  mumbled   caressing  her cheeks and released himself from her and Sat on  the  bed scratching his nape. he was  rewinded of  last night memories and a smile beamed on  his  face. He is really surprised by athy's drunk habits

"wait , is she always like this whenever she drunk.. ? She didn't kissed anyone else right.. ?  Come to think of it.. her lips are  so soft and it makes  me greedy to  devour it fully, she tasted sweet,wait.. what..? Did I become  a pervert now? Come to your senses lucas"

he thought slapping   his cheeks and He got  up   covering  athy with blanket.  he came  out of the  room drying his hair with towel   to see Arius walking out of his  room half asleep. He smiled  at his  sight of  dishelved pajamas , messy hair, sleepy eyes and puffy cheek he looked so adorable .

"samchon.. good morning"  he smiled brighter than the sunlight.

"good morning ari, come here I will help you fresh up"

lucas helped ari fresh up and ari is   playing in the hall  as lucas is preparing breakfast for them .

Athy slowly opened her  ocean like  eyes which sparkled in the sunlight.

'huh where am I? This is not my room, haah my head hurts like crazy..  I was drinking with my friends yesterday then... I don't remember anything.. hmm... I  can hear lucas' s voice.. is this his house..?! seems like it is.. yeah I already settled  my wardrobe and cleared my room.. so I think he get me to his house as planned...!!! I am such an idiot.. How did  I forgot I got I am married now..?!! I should fresh up first '

athy thought  as she got up from the  bed and went to take a shower. She came out of the room and see  lucas and Arius  are playing in the hall. Arius hates capsicum so he took them and  run away. lucas was chasing him around because he needs it to  make breakfast

" ari..Don't run.. you will fall.. give me that " he said chasing him

" Hehehe.. Samchon.. ari hates capsi so I am not  giving  it to you "

he  said laughing  and running   around.

seeing them  laughing and playing in the morning made athy's heart overwhelmed with happiness

' I wish every morning will be like this ' she thought.

" oh eemo... "

ari run and hide behind athy, lucas stopped in front of her.

"so you are  finally up huh.. ? How is your  head ?"

lucas  asked with a smirk 

" don't get me started.. it hurted  like crazy now.. it's a  little better "

she whined

" it's expected  given the  amount you drunk yesterday " he mumbled

" lucas... I am hungry... is breakfast ready..?  "she asked caressing her stomach

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