Christmas Bliss

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Days passed and it's gonna be Christmas in a week. Athy was staring outside the window drinking hot chocolate. Suddenly a pair of arms embraced her. She smiled and leaned comfortably inside the hug. Lucas gives her a peck on the cheek

" what are you thinking about ?"

he asked and tightened the hug placing his face beside her's and rubbed his cheeks with her.

" planning what to do on Christmas eve" she said and caressed his cheeks with her other hand

" haah so warm" lucas mumbled leaning more on her palm and comforted by the warmth of her hands.

" hehe it's because I am holding my hot choco with both hands the heat transferred to my palm.

" hmm" lucas and hummed stayed like that for a while.

"Lucas call your friends too, we can all celebrate together in our house. It Will be more fun that way." Athy excitedly said. Lucas nodded his head slowly humming.

" hmm"

she went on talking about what to do and how to do. Lucas silently listened to her still feeling comfortable in her warmth, her breathing, her soft skin everything is warm to him. Her voice was like a melody playing in his ears. he looked outside to see the snow falling. It looked so beautiful.

' everything I see when I am With you looks beautiful to me' he thought.

He snuggled his face at her neck

" hehe hey stop it tickles..!!! "

she giggled. Her giggling sound is more pleasent than birds chirping in his ears. He kissed her hard on the neck. Athy got flustered by the sudden kiss and blushed hard.

She got used to it by now. after their confession, lucas kiss her whenever he wants it was countless times already but no matter how many times they kissed, every time makes her heart skips a beat.

She felt butterflies in her stomach every single time and blush like a high school girl . She went silent from the sudden kiss, her head facing down blushing, lucas moved one of his hands which was holding her waist tightly up and moved her sleeve exposing her flawless soft skin which was ready to devoured by a hungry beast . He kissed and bite her. She got goosebumps all over her body and breathed hard a huff of air left her mouth which form a smog on the window glass.

Her eyes were pooled with tears. He licked the spot where he bite. She felt a burning sensation in every inch of her body. He moved up and kissed behind her ear and her cheeks turned her facing him using the the hand which hold her waist tightly to see his sia 's vulnerable state and pink tinted face which he want her to show only to him

'haah The more I see you like this the more I want to have you fully for me'

he thought. He showered her with kisses all over her face and lastly tasted her lips which feels like only made for him. He gently kissed her. The warm sensation which rushed inside her was blissful.. the tears that pooled up in her eyes dribbled down her cheeks. Their body felt like burning. after some time they got separated for air. Athy's face was fully flushed, she is breathing hard. She leaned on his chest with her side and hugged him soflty. He hugged her and caressed her head.

" hot choco tastes soo sweet with your lips" he smirked.

"sh.. Shut up" she hits him on his chest and she got up from him.

" I have some works to do, let's go shopping in the evening" she said smiling .

Lucas frozed at the word shopping

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