The Colour That Suits You

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It's a cloudy morning, lucas athy and Arius are sitting in the living room doing their own works

" eemo.. look I draw this today at school"

Arius showed a family drawing picture of a  a boy with long legs, black hair, red eyes and a girl with long blonde hair and blue eyes standing  with  a little boy with black hair and blue eyes in the middle

" is this us? Wow soo cute.!!! "athy beamed  with delight

" lucas look at this "

she showed it, lucas who was drowned in his work  lifted his head up to look

" yeah  its really nice " he said with a small smile

" look.. he even drew your earrings and chains so detailed..!! "athy said. athy and lucas looked  at the details he had given to the drawing  and appreciated him.

Arius was smiling happily at their remarks until lucas said

" sia let's frame it and hang in the living room "

" yes good idea!! " athy also agreed

" what..?!! no..!! Ari don't want to"  Ari tried to snatch it from lucas 's hand but lucas raised his hand so Ari climbed upon lucas and snatched it  from him

"samchoon you should respect my privacy" ari pouted.

Lucas and athy burst out laughing at his cuteness. Ari got angry and give a smack to lucas 

"ouch.. wow when did   you get this strong..?!!  its stinking here" lucas faked pain.

"of course, I am strong.. I drink milk daily so I am gonna grow taller and stronger like you"

ari proudly said. they both silently chuckled    and the spent their  evening chatting and teasing each other.  after putting ari to sleep athy was in her room testing out new samples of her  cosmetics sitting on her dressing table

Lucas entered with laptop and continued his work sitting in the  bed . Athy sighed few times

" what  happen ?" lucas asked

"it's just... I am confused  about  which shade of  lipstick to choose for cover photo shoot tomorrow, we are launching new products  in few weeks so we are preparing for that. tomorrow is the  photo shoot for promotion, but I am confused at which colour to choose "

athy said  looking at the   six shades in her hand she tried one by one on her lips  to see which look better. Lucas is looking at  her reflection from the mirror sitting on  the bed  near the window which allows  a cool breeze  inside making  the curtains cover his face.

He don't wanna waste a single second so  he pushed  the curtain away  which was hiding athy's face from his sight  and  continues to  see her  reflection. Athy was removing one colour and putting other shade now. He placed his chin on his hand and smiled

' every color looks good on her.. now I understand why she is confused' he thought smiling. Athy suddenly stopped and  she get up from her seat which made lucas slip his hand

  "are you decided now?" he asked confused.

She  climbed on  the bed and sit  beside him smiling

" lucas. I got an idea.. now how about you help me choose?" she asked titling Her head smiling

"huh?"  he asked dumbfounded

"wait" she finished applying on her lower lips and come closer to him

  " look.. is this shade looks good ?"

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