Mom's Lullaby

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Arius ran  out of the  classroom as soon as the bell rang. He saw lucas   waiting at the entrance and run towards him happily.

" ari careful  don't run"

he shouted then lucas lifted  ari up.

" did you like this school..? how was  today?" he asked little worried 

" hmm.. ari likes it here samchon, I played games today and sang rhymes with all and I also got two new friends I will introduce them to you  one day"

he said enthusiastically which made lucas happy. When he is  about to head to car he noticed everyone are looking at him and ari

" Why are  they all  looking at us like  we are showing circus here?"

lucas said irritated

"hmm..because you are cool and handsome samchon" Arius  said smiling 

" don't be so cheesy"  Lucas said  pinching  his cheeks and Arius giggled

"samchon... let's buy chochy for ari and eemo"

"yeah sure.. let's go"

lucas  said throwing  arius in the  air and catched  him making him giggle . athy came  home late and still had  work to do , but she hurried to Arius room and spend some time with him asking about his first day  playing with him . Lucas was busy in his office which he set at  a  room he mostly works at home.. he avoid going to his own company, max and stephen take care of other works in company as vice presidents and kiel take care of all the finances, lucas only focus on  game  developing and coding . Then athy also worked in thier bed  room with her laptop.

Athy looked out of the window while working, moist drips of rain dribbled gently on  the window glass and fog covered the glasses making outside blurry, sound of rain drops falling was pleasing to hear, she is sipping her coffee and enjoying the sight of rain. Athy checked time and realised she has been  working for almost four  hours now,  she went to arius  room to check on him

When she opened the door, ari was not there she searched all over the house he was not there. She knocked the door of lucas's office and asked if he know where he is.

"I don't know sia, he didn't come here let's search"

they both went back  to his room, lucas crouched down  to see if he is playing hide and seek with them but   shocked by the sight. Arius covered himself in blanket and  is trembling  sitting  at  the corner  of  the room under his study  table . He immediately carried him  along with blanket and tightly hugged him, he also hugged lucas  back still trembling

"ari... What happen..?!! are you scared?!! " lucas gently asked patting his back. Athy was shocked and worried to see him trembling

"lucas I think he is afraid of rain I should have stayed with him  from the beginning " she started to panic. Lucas grabbed her hand and yanked her towards him and hugged her with his other hand

" sia you too.. calm down.. it's not your fault.. let's all spend our time  together hmm.. ? "

both of them nodded  a yes . Arius didn't loosened his grip on lucas shirt athy slowly  took his little hand  kissed it and covered it  with her hands

" ari dear.. don't worry. we are not leaving.. we will always be with you "

" yeah.. don't be afraid.. samchoon will always protect you. so nothing will happen, samchoon is strong  you know that  right? "

ari slowly raised his head  his jeweled eyes  pooled  with tears and his soft fluffy cheeks were moistoned by tears looking pink,   lucas and athy got worried seeing that. athy  carried him in her arms and  hugged him close to her chest and leaned her  head on his  patting his back

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