His Surprise For Her

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After confirming that athy was fast asleep. Lucas went to his office room.

" hm.. Let's screw my father in law"

he smirked. He hacked into the obelia corporations main system and messed up all the important files and documents and installed a virus to mess things up even more.

He got another good idea while doing that. It took him all night. so he was  so tired and slept  in his table.when athy  opened his office door the next morning she saw lucas sleeping in his table . She dragged his roller chair to the nearby bed and placed him in the bed with all her strength and covered him with blanket.

" he should first take care of himself well, what is he doing all night?"

she nagged the sleeping lucas and closed the door. When she reached the office anna ran into her screaming her name

" athyyyy"

"what.. Anna.. What happen?" she asked confused,

" good news in the morning... Mr. Obelia cancelled his arrival to the award function tomorrow" she shouted with joy.

" what... Really..."

athy was so surprised that she can't believe it's real or not, she pinched herself to check if she is dreaming but she is not

" Haa.. Thanks anna it's really a very very good news."

athy thanked her hugging. "

' actually... there was another surprise for you but I should keep it a surprise till end to make it a real surprise '

anna thought smirking and hugging back. She dragged athy to choose the dress and accessories for tomorrow event.

Athy was so happy that she don't have to see him there. She wanted to tell the news to lucas, she called him countless times but he didn't attend the call so she stopped

" guess he was still sleeping from all the work, I should stop bothering him.. I will tell him once I get to go home"

she reached home early that day to rest, so that she can prepare early tomorrow. She barged inside the house and searched for lucas as the first thing. But he was not at home. she called him again and again but no answer. She was  screaming on the phone

" oh God... lucas.. where the hell are you? Do you know how many times I called you today why can't you attend atleast one time and say you are Busy if you are busy"

she kept on roasting him on the phone. Lucas was dumbfounded by her and kept listening to her ramblings. But it was a speaker phone. so all the boys are dying from laughter. They made sure to don't make sound so athy don't be embarrassed. Then she calmed down after a time which feels like eternity to lucas.

" huh.. So what happen?" she finally asked.

" you are calm now huh,? After roasting me all this time,... Finally... "

he sighed

" well.. sorry, my phone is dead and I have so much work to do so I will come home late, I called you to tell that and congratulations on winning the award.. See you later bye"

he hung up the phone.

" huh... but I can't able to tell him what I wanted to" she pouted.

"waah.. she busted out like a cracker, lucas when did you become this docile? are you really the same lone wolf who will made others shiver with just a look ? " stephen teased him.

" I also can't beleive that lucas is hearing to someone scolding him with a smile, is this the power of love? Anyway sister in law is so fierce when she is angry, is jenny sister was also like this? "max asked tilting his head.

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