The Trial Room

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  Lucas and athy are in trial room today to get their marraige outfits checked . They wanted to come alone but their friends just didn't leave them alone because  alex and stephen wanted to see athy  just like  anna and ces wanted to see lucas.. so they stick with them like glue to the boutique.

ijekeil wanted to go with jennete but  she wants to be with her friends  so he was left with lucas.. Arius was with lucas 's  uncle  for some work regarding inheritance of his  parent's properties

At the entrance.. lucas and athy waved to  each other  from distance. athy' s friends went to coffee shop to Get coffee athy walked towards lucas

" hi oppa... where is Arius..?"

" he is with uncle for some work, he will come here in  about  thirty minutes.. I think "

he said and she smiled  realising how  he looks  always nonchalant..  then she noticed ijekeil

"oh.. Keil shi...long time no see... how are you?  "

athy started talking to ijekeil , lucas noticed that she don't  called anyone oppa other than him  since these  few weeks he met her... which strangely made him  Very happy.. he was not able to enjoy his moment when max interrupted

" ohh.. Stephen did you hear that..?!! she called him oppa! "

" wow... how romantic..!! look at our Lucas's  face he is  glowing brightly than that face cream  model in that banner"

He said  as he  showed the big banner hanging on  the mall in front of them.

"Shut you mouths dummies " lucas hissed at them..

' sometimes being with them is more tiresome' he thought

when athy turned back after talking to ijekeil, she noticed max and stephen whose faces were like five years old kid who saw their  favourite robot model.  athy kindly smiled at thme

" hello "she said smiled. max and stephen covered  their eyes  with their hands

" wahh... soo bright..!  like  an angel descended from heaven and talking to us, wait a minute  "

they both weared sunglasses and said

" hii... this is max and I am stephen we are lucas 's friends"

Stephen  said and smiled .. Athy giggled at them being extra.

" and what the hell is that sunglasses are for? " lucas  asked in a bored tone.

" oh this... Your fiancee is soo bright.. it blinds our eyes.. that's why " max said,   lucas and ijekeil  give   both of them a  smack

"blinding eyes my ass.. you fix  your eyes on system for almost a day still your eyes are fine just take that off now " lucas   scolded them.

Athy seeing all this chuckled

" oppa's friends are so funny"

"see.. she finds it funny.. you are the only weirdo here"

they said sticking  out their tongue to lucas

"childish punks  "

ijekeil  said and dragged them to  the coffee shop

" let's go.. give them some space.. you dummies "

Kiel whispered and they both showed a OK sign  and followed him... there.. they met jennete anna and ces and started chatting leaving the two of them alone

" Haah... finally some peace "

lucas sighed

" it's surprising your friends are so cheerful " athy said

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