Surprise Party For Kiel

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When athy came home with ari, she informed lucas and spend some time with ari. In the evening athy got a call from her friends to hang out together so they all went shopping with ari. They spent  time happily shopping and went to a coffee shop, when they all planned to head home. Jennet suddenly got dizzy and fainted.

Everyone panicked and took jennet to the hospital to found  out that  she was pregnant , originally jennet was shocked  then calmed  down  and become happy after her friends and her cousin assured her she is gonna be alright because ijekeil loves her. Anna suggested on giving surprise to ijekeil so they prepared for a small  surprise party at home.

They call  the boys over to the girls house where jenny, anna and ces live together. The boys came late when they finished the work, the house was so dark they become panicked and called out the  girls name. lucas, stephen and max got a message from girls to come To the backyard without telling kiel.

They do as they said and lucas rushed to athy

"sia what's wrong, why the house is dark and  what are you doing in the back yard at late night?" he was panicking.

Max and stephen also checked anna and ces. The girls calmed them down and then tell them the news. The boys were so surprised that it take them a while to process the news in their head

" oh.. My.. Holysh*t " stephen was about to say but max stopped him" max stop it the girls are here  "

" oh sorry I can't contain the shock because I really didn't expected our kiel to be of this type, I thought he was a gentle man, look at him, so he is a impatient fellow va ?  hahah"

he laughed. Lucas and max smiled and nodded

"So we are gonna wait until they have their happy time and then we join them and celebrate together.. Right? ".

Lucas  processed their plan

"yep.. so let's sit over there".

They pointed at the garden. Lucas and athy  settled down in the swing and stephen sit beside ces in the bench and max and anna roamed in the garden chatting. 

"sia.. Where is ari?"

"he was sleeping in my room."

"hmm" he nodded.

"lucas you know I placed this swing here, I love swinging and looking at the stars in the night.. It's been so long since I sit here like this"

athy revoked the past memories and smiled. Lucas patted her head

"is that so then let's  hang  a big swing in the bedroom, swing to your hearts content " athy smiled at him and nodded.

Kiel  was so confused and turned to find the boys was not there. he was about  to call them. when the lights on to show balloons and ribbons everywhere and jennet standing in the middle smiling. He rushed to jennet and grabbed her hands

"are you okay jenny? What is all this, do you know how anxious I was just now..? don't scare me like this" he hugged jennet tightly.

"kiel... Kiel.. She patted him to let her go cause she is struggling to breath from His tight hug. He let her go and looked at her worriedly

" kiel I have something important to tell you " she said and placed his hand on her stomach

" kiel ... I am.. Pregnant "

she said with a anxious face cause  she don't know how  he will React. Keil was so surprised that he stood frozen then when he noticed jenny's anxious expression he forced himself to talk despite the shock

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